Opportunity 1 … 2 … Missed Opportunity 1 …


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Presentation transcript:

Opportunity 1 … 2 … Missed Opportunity 1 …

The Greatest Opportunity Missed The Greatest Opportunity The Triumphal Entry Luke 19:28-40

I. Before The Triumphal Entry Jesus birth Jesus kingdom teaching Jesus kingly actions Jesus offer of the Kingdom of God Jesus actions immediately before the triumphal entry Jesus + circumstances = opportunity

II. The Triumphal Entry All four gospels record B. Details Mount of Olives v29 Colt acquired v29-34 Jesus rides the colt, Zechariah 9:9 v35 Jesus’ way paved with clothes and branches v36 Multitudes rejoice and praise God, Psalm 118:26 v37,38 Jesus triumphal entry = opportunity to have Jesus as King

III. After The Triumphal Entry Response B. Jesus … Wept Cleaned the temple Authority challenged Told parables Focused on His upcoming death C. Jesus charged as King of the Jews D. Expectation of kingdom not forgotten though opportunity missed

IV. Lessons From The Triumphal Entry The triumphal entry of Jesus was the greatest missed opportunity ever. Just think how the world would have been different with Jesus as king on the earth… The triumphal entry of Jesus still offers opportunity, hope, and a future to individuals. Don’t miss your opportunity, you may never get another one. - Accept Jesus as your King and Savior. - Live as a citizen of the Kingdom of God.