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Presentation transcript:

SMALL SEP EVENTS WITH METRIC TYPE II RADIO BURSTS Pertti Mäkelä1,2, Nat Gopalswamy2, Sachiko Akiyama1,2, Seiji Yashiro1,2 1The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, USA 2NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA

Small SEP Event Large (major) SEP event: GOES >10 MeV peak integral flux ≥ 10 pfu. pfu = particle flux unit 1 pfu = 1 particle per (cm2 s1 sr1) GOES measurements are not good for detecting small SEP events due to high background levels.

Filament Eruption SEPs Kahler et al. (1986; ApJ 302) Gopalswamy et al. (2015; ApJ 806) identified four filament eruptions (FEs) outside active regions (ARs) that were associated with major (GOES >10 MeV flux ≥ 10 pfu) SEP events and interplanetary type II radio bursts (no metric type II bursts except during one event). Spectral index in the 10–100 MeV range typically >4 for the FE-SEP events. Time-of-Maximum (TOM) spectra

Fluence Spectral Index Gopalswamy et al. (2016; ApJ 833) used GOES and SAMPEX observations to study the fluence spectra of ground level enhancement (GLE) events, well-connected major SEP events and FE-associated SEP events during cycles 23 and 24. Cycle 23 Cycle 24 Cycles 23 and 24 FE SEP 4.72 5.41 4.89 Regular SEP 3.85 3.78 3.83 GLE 2.70 2.51 2.68 Fluence spectra Soft Intermediate Hard Systematic increase in γ as one goes from the GLE events to regular SEP events and to FE SEP events

CME Kinematics Hierarchical relationship between CME kinematics and the spectral index of SEP events In GLE events the shock forms close to the Sun—about half a solar radius above the solar surface. Particles accelerated efficiently to GeV energies (hard spectrum) because of the high ambient magnetic field near the Sun. The low shock-formation height implies impulsive CME acceleration (initial acceleration ∼2 km/s2 ). In FE SEP events, the shock forms at much larger heights—either in the outer corona or in the interplanetary medium (Mäkelä et al. 2015; ApJ 806). Particles are not accelerated to high energies (soft spectrum; Gopalswamy et al. 2015; Prog EP&S 2). The regular major SEP events show intermediate behavior in shock-formation height, initial acceleration, and spectral hardness.

Type II Bursts Gopalswamy et al. (2017; JPCS, Proc 16th AIAC) found that the average starting frequencies of type II radio bursts associated with the GLE, FE SEP and major SEP events have a hierarchy, although the actual distributions overlap. The shock formation heights are also organized accordingly. The average starting frequencies: 107 MHz (GLE event) 81 MHz (regular major SEP event) 22 MHz (FE SEP event) The average shock formation heights: 1.51 Rs (GLE event) 1.71 Rs (regular major SEP event) 5.38 Rs (FE SEP event)

Event Selection Motivation: Check if the small SEP events follow the same hierarchy as GLEs, major SEP and FE SEP events. Starting from a list of metric type II radio bursts in cycle 24. Searched for metric type II bursts associated a small SEP event observed by SOHO/ERNE (GOES >10 MeV peak flux must be below 10 pfu). The solar source is in the western hemisphere or right behind the western limb. Found a total of 16 good events. Calculated for each event the power-law index at energies above 13.8 MeV using SOHO/ERNE/HED data (fluence spectra). Number of data points varied from 5 to 7 depending on the maximum energy of particles.

m-T II SEP γ CME Vsk Vsp W LOC Flare Size Start Peak GOES EUV Wave [UT] SEP γ CME Vsk [km/s] Vsp W [°] LOC Flare Size Start Peak GOES [pfu] EUV Wave 2009/12/22 04:57 22/05:30 2.56 05:54 318 506 47 S26W46 C7.2 04:50 04:56 - Yes 2010/06/12 00:57 12/01:45 3.14 01:31 486 691 119 N23W43 M2.0 00:30 00:57 1.21 2010/08/18 05:51 18/07:00 4.46 05:48 1471 1498 184 N17W101 C4.5 04:45 3.35 2011/05/11 02:27 11/02:10 3.27 02:48 745 975 225 N19W51 B8.1 02:23 02:43 0.52 2011/08/02 06:40 02/06:40 2.79 06:36 712 939 268 N14W15 M1.4 05:58 06:19 1.66 2013/04/28 20:18 28/22:20 3.03 20:48 497 703 91 S18W37 C4.4 20:10 20:17 2013/05/02 05:06 02/09:10 3.20 671 894 99 N10W26 M1.1 04:58 05:10 2013/08/17 18:56 17/20:45 4.74 19:12 1202 1418 360 S05W30 18:49 19:33 2013/12/07 07:24 07/11:45 3.62 07:36 1085 1165 S16W49 M1.2 07:17 07:29 2014/06/12 22:00 12/23:40 3.18 22:12 684 908 186 S20W55 M3.1 21:34 22:16 0.47 2014/08/25 15:08 25/16:50 3.45 15:36 555 697 N05W36 14:46 15:11 1.00 2015/09/20 18:16 20/18:35 3.60 18:12 1239 1458 S20W24 M2.1 17:32 18:03 2.29 2015/11/04 13:43 04/15:30 2.86 14:48 578 987 N09W04 M3.7 13:31 13:52 0.43 2016/02/11 20:35 12/01:15 3.74 21:17 719 1174 N11W07 C8.9 20:18 21:03 2016/03/16 06:45 16/07:35 2.99 07:00 592 154 N12W88 C2.2 06:34 06:46 1.29 2016/04/18 00:30 18/02:05 4.12 00:48 1084 1213 162 N12W62 M6.7 00:14 00:29 0.53

2010 June 12 Event Metric type II with the highest frequency ~400 MHz (harmonic emission) observed by Hiraiso Radio Spectrograph (HiRAS). GOES M2.0 flare has a short duration ~ 8 mins. EUV wave observed by SDO/AIA Metric type II radio burst started when the leading edge of the wave was at the limb in projection (actual height ~1.20 Rs). Empirical formula: f = 308.17r -3.78 – 0.14 gives: r≈1.13 Rs for f = 200 MHz (formula from Gopalswamy et al. 2013, AdSpR 51) (Gopalswamy et al. 2017, JPCS, Proc 16th AIAC)

2010 June 12 CME Type II burst start: CME leading edge speed of ~900 km/s. CME speed increased to a maximum value of ~1275 km/s and dropped back to ~1000 km/s when the type II ended. No IP type II burst. Shock died or was too weak to produce type II emission. Type II start and end time SEP release time (Gopalswamy et al. 2017, JPCS, Proc 16th AIAC)

2010 June 12 SEP SOHO/ERNE 13.8 – 16.9 MeV energy channel 0.3 particles per (cm2 s sr MeV) . GOES >10 MeV channel peak 1.21 particles per (cm2 s sr) The SEP event started ~01:30 UT (~34 minutes after the type II onset). Assuming Parker spiral length of 1.2 AU gives the travel time of ~31 minutes for 50 MeV protons. The particle release time at the Sun is 00:59 UT, which after correcting for the travel time of the electromagnetic emissions becomes 01:07 UT. Type II burst 00:56-01:10 UT, so the SEP acceleration took ~ 10 mins, which is a typical value. The fluence spectrum resembles those of regular SEP events. The spectral index (3.14) lies between the 2001 April 12 regular SEP event and the 2004 April 11 FE SEP event. (Gopalswamy et al. 2017, JPCS, Proc 16th AIAC)

Spectral Index Comparison Small SEP events GLEs, regular major SEP and FE SEP events Gopalswamy et al. (2016; ApJ 833)

Onset Frequency Comparison Type IIs with a clear F-H structure (Gopalswamy et al. 2017, JPCS, Proc 16th AIAC)

Conclusions The average power-law index of fluence spectra in small SEP events is similar to that in major SEP events. The average onset frequency of type II radio bursts is also similar to that of major SEP events. The small SEP events show no deviations from the hierarchy of spectral index or the hierarchy of the starting frequency of type II radio bursts.