Using ICT to support Homework


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Presentation transcript:

Using ICT to support Homework

Why use ICT? Studies in the UK and across the world have found that ICT has a positive effect on learning and teaching, and that it is important to have access to computers and/or the internet at home, both for children and parents.

Why do we use it in school? Here are some key findings: Using ICT at school develops a key life skill. Used effectively, ICT can improve attainment. Pupils enjoy using ICT and find it both motivational and fun. Using ICT provides access to a wider and more flexible range of learning materials.

But why use it at home too? Home use of ICT by pupils: makes learning more fun. improves students ICT skills. provides an alternative and interactive way of learning (using multimedia) supports homework and revision. increases motivation, and facilitates more efficient and improved presentation. connects learning at school with learning at home.

Software that we use Software On the whole the School uses fairly standard software, in addition to this other departments use subject specific, specialist software with the students. Microsoft Power point Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Front page (web design) Flowol (system design) Scratch (animation software )

Role of ICT The school expects ICT to play an ever-greater role in homework. A range of homework tasks might involve some use of ICT. In due course, the school’s website will contain a great deal of material to support homework tasks. Most students have access at home to appropriate ICT to allow its use in homework. For those not in this position, students can access ICT on the school site in the following areas: • IT rooms • School library

Homework Support The following forms of support are available to students in their homework tasks: • The school library. Books, computers and study areas are available. • IT rooms • Homework club-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Ways to get the homework to school Print off at home. Memory stick or USB device. Email it to yourself, open it up in school and print.

Resources and websites Keyboard skills These sites are useful for those wanting to get faster and better at using a keyboard

Resources and websites Tutorials Free tutorials for the common Microsoft applications: If you’re at a fairly basic level tutorials More advanced ones projects.htm

Word of warning Using ICT does bring some added issues with homework. Research skills- Students need to be able to search the internet or website quickly and efficiently for RELEVANT information. The looking shouldn’t take longer than the doing! Copy and Paste- Students do not all realise what plagiarism is? We try to instill an approach of ‘ in your own words’.