The Progressive Era, ca. 1896-1920 U.S. History-Honors Mr. Grant.


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Presentation transcript:

The Progressive Era, ca. 1896-1920 U.S. History-Honors Mr. Grant

I. What was “Progressivism?’ A. defined: A series of political and cultural responses to industrialization and its byproducts. 1. Immigration 2. Urbanization 3. Rise of corporate power 4. Widening class divisions

I. What was “Progressivism?’ B. Describing progressivism 1. More focused on urban issues (vs. rural ones) 2. Enlisted journalists, academics, social theorists, and urban dwellers 3. Reformers, not radicals

I. What was “Progressivism?’ Key ideas   1. Social problems could be solved through careful study and organized effort.   2. Science and technological had produced the new industrial order and its problems—and they could solve them, too.

II. Who were Progressives? Intellectuals 1. Attacked Social Darwinism  2. Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899): Attacked the waste and narcissism of the wealthy. 3. James: Pragmatism—The “truth” is “what works.” 4. Croly, The Promise of American Life (1909): Called for an activist government to promote the general welfare of citizens. 5. Addams—“collective well-being.” 6. Dewey: Public education reform (education for democracy). 7. Holmes, Jr., The Common Law (1881): The last must evolve as society changes.

II. Who were Progressives? Novelists undermined the reputations of the industrial elite and put pressure for tougher regulation of business.   1. Norris, The Octopus (Southern Pacific RR v. wheat growers). 2. Dreiser, The Financier (personal corruption of a rich man).

II. Who were Progressives? Journalists: The “muckrakers” used reporting to expose problems of the new industrial order. 1. Steffens, The Shame of the City (1904): Exposed political corruption in St. Louis. 2. Tarbell, History of the Standard Oil Company (1904): Exposed abuses by trusts. 3. Philips, Treason of the Senate (1906): Exposed big business’ control over U.S. senators.