Localism and Ethnic Minority Employment


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Presentation transcript:

Localism and Ethnic Minority Employment

This Session Junior will cover Lela will cover Open up for discussion Context… The labour market a few facts and figures… What JCP is up to locally… Lela will cover What seems to be the problem A few labour market facts from Islington What Islington is up to locally Open up for discussion Context: Main intervention programmes… GBW, Youth Contract, NEA, Work Programme, Universal Credit All covered and covered by the EQUALITY ACT and by law we are required to conduct Equality Impact Assessments We do not routinely collect analysis on the impact these programmes have on different BME groups but the department does have research that provides an indication of the impact of some of our programmes [DQ is this true?] – can we go back to Jane Rushton to see what if any information her team has provided. Our role in influencing others… Business Information Service and Employers Office of Government commerce and Procurements Education and Outcomes

Context… Policy formulation Influencing others Headline [insert with animation following explanation] Context: Main intervention programmes… GBW, Youth Contract, NEA, Work Programme, Universal Credit All covered and covered by the EQUALITY ACT and by law we are required to conduct Equality Impact Assessments We do not routinely collect analysis on the impact these programmes have on different BME groups but the department does have research that provides an indication of the impact of some of our programmes [DQ is this true?] – can we go back to Jane Rushton to see what if any information her team has provided. Our role in influencing others… Business Information Service and Employers Office of Government commerce and Procurements Education and Outcomes

There are around 5m people who are ethnic minorities (16+) % EM UK % EM London 11% in the UK 35% in London Manchester LAD 30% Leicester LAD 44% Birmingham LAD 37% Source: APS

Employment rates are typically lower for ethnic minority groups Employment rate gap for selected population groups (percentage points below national rate) Overall employment rate for ethnic minority groups is 10-15% lower than the national rate (orange line). It is comparable to the gap for other groups of interest, such as lone parents, young people and people in deprived wards. But much lower than the gap for disabled people, those in social housing or with no qualifications. The gap has closed since 2005, despite the recession. Source: LFS

Employment rates vary by ethnicity and gender. Source: APS

Ethnic minority penetration in different industries Source: LFS Q3 2012

Ethnic minority penetration by occupation Source: LFS Q3 2012

Over a quarter of Pakistanis who are in work are self employed But the difference is far less prevalent when you look as a proportion of the population rather than of employment. Source: LFS Q3 2012

Young black men are more likely to be in full time education…

So what are we up to locally? Working collaboratively… Targeted & tailored support… Organisational Focus Harrow Council The initiative aims to address knowledge and skills gaps, behaviour, and expectations in the work place to help JSA/ESA young graduates compete effectively for opportunities. Brent Active Citizens The Programme aims primarily at engaging with those individuals that are disadvantaged and hard to reach living in the borough of Brent and are interested in self employment; namely black and minority ethnic groups, refugees, young people, people with disabilities, single parents and ex-offenders. Kensington and Chelsea College The Lead Accountable Body have met our identified need for providing pre and post employment support specifically targeted at ex offenders who are active benefit recipients to support them into full time sustainable employment. Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea The bid has been submitted by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea who wish to support active JSA recipients aged 18-24 with training and sustainable full time employment. Ethnic Alcohol Counselling in Hounslow (EACH) To support Pre Work Programme Young People (18-24) in receipt of ESA/IB with drug and alcohol related issues resident in Harrow. Flexible Support Fund Expenditure as at period 8 £15m against a budget of £26m. As at the last request Districts were declaring 120 partnership Grants-this is approximately three times the amount paid last year. The job outcomes projected within the Partnership Grant applications are 4157 Community Budget: there are three ‘live’ CBs in North London with Islington: £97,980, Barnet: £100,000, and Westminster £98,464 totalling £296,444 all for working with problem families, and a further one for RBKC amounting to £87,000 for the same client group, which is being considered by the District. In South London there are two: Lewisham for 80,000 for families with intergenerational worklessness, and Croydon £50,000 for families with complex problems We have also used ad hoc procurement for : IT training, pre-employment training and ‘gangs into employment’ 1) Mainstream Programmes incl Work Programme, Universal Credit etc/Equality Impact Assessments /Equality Act etc 2) Influencing Others (BIS and employers, Office of Government Commerce and procurement, Education and early outcomes). There was a Ministerial Task Force chaired by DWP Ministers to leverage influence but policy contacts will know more about whether that is still happening.... 3) Localism with examples from One Year On report including GBW measures (e.g Somali Work Clubs), FSF grant funding (e.g. School of Hard Knocks in Haringey), Social Justice work (e.g. Gangs Strategy - with specialist employment advisers in all 19 effected boroughs). Organisational Focus; We have established a board and strands and we now have a delivery voice.