Lessons 11 & 12.


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Presentation transcript:

Lessons 11 & 12

Journal #4 Read Matthew 6:19-24 What did Jesus Teach concerning possessions and pleasure? Where are your treasures? What steps can you take to make sure your treasure is in heaven?

Opposites game! 1 minute on the clock to write down as many opposites as you can!

Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 14 opposites?

Ecclesiastes 3:9-14 What did the Teacher mean when he said that “God has made everything beautiful in its time?” God has set eternity in each person’s heart but none of us are able to find out the grand scheme of things! Why do you think God has instilled within us a profound sense of the divine?

Memorization- Ecc. 3:1-14 YOU CAN DO IT! Memorization due: _________________________.

Lesson 12 Introduce yourself to another in your group! What kind of information did you learn about one another? For what do you want to ultimately be remembered for?

Read Ecc. 9:1-10, highlight 5 and 10 Ancient peoples wondered whether death was final or what life after the grave would be like. Without revelation from God, their ideas were vague at best. Finality of death Nothing pertaining tot hat individual’s earthly life or identify can be changed. The finality of death helps emphasize that it is important not to delay in enjoying life as God’s good gift. How does the reality of your eventual death help you put things into perspective?

Is there a common message in these passages Is there a common message in these passages? Do these verses give us a sense of purpose? 2:24-26 3:12-14, 22 5:18-20 8:15

Read “Our Purpose on Earth” p. 53 with a partner After reading, with a partner, summarize your purpose in life!

Journal #5 Finish these sentence starters: A life centered on God is… A life without God is… My life without God would be… My life without God at the center would be… God’s purpose for my life (or for this time in my life) is/might be…

“It All Starts with God” –Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life