WHO/UNICEF Technical Briefing Seminar 22 September 2005 Helen Tata


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Presentation transcript:

Evaluation and Monitoring of Country Implementation of Work: Addressing Common Problems WHO/UNICEF Technical Briefing Seminar 22 September 2005 Helen Tata Department of Technical Cooperation for Essential Drugs and Traditional Medicines World Health Organization

Why Monitor & Evaluate Track progress for all activities for the time period of the POA Facilitate stringent reporting requirements and accountability to donors

Monitoring and Evaluation Tools: Monthly Report (Excel file) Report against POA Additional activities possible Monthly Monitoring and Evaluation Checklist (Word file) Report work not in POA, i.e. staff meetings, studies participated in, missions

What to Monitor & Evaluate Monthly progress reporting against Plan of Action (POA) Includes all POA activities and their indicators, timelines, source of funds, and budget allocated Additional activities undertaken are also added to the form Each month NPO: Updates budget obligated for each activity Updates status of implementation of each activity using indicated coding system Provides narrative report for those activities where progress has occurred during that month Provides narrative report for those activities where no progress has occurred during that month with justification Upon completion of each activity, NPO reports on its indicator and submits to EDM/AFRO and TCM/DAP any associated documents, i.e. meeting reports, published studies, etc.

Completing the POA report Update implementation status using codes. Provide explanation if delayed, cancelled or postponed. Update obligated budget Enter date When activity is complete report on indicator If availability of report is an indicator, submit copies of report to AFRO and TCM. Record progress for each activity. If no progress that month leave blank.

Implementation status codes 0 = not yet begun 1 = ongoing and on-time 2 = delayed but ongoing (explain) 3 = completed 4 = postponed (explain and give new timeline) 5 = cancelled (explain)

Completing the Monthly Report form One file should be used for the entire period of the POA No changes to previous months No deletion or changes of activities in the original POA, rather explain any changes agreed with MOH. Kenya August 2005 Monthly Evaluation

Monthly Checklist Monthly report of work done outside POA Includes meetings, missions, report writing, organization of events, participation in studies, etc. - generally those activities limited to one month or less - activities with a longer duration should be added to and reported on via the POA monthly report NPO provides a brief description of all work done outside the POA during that month Enables tracking of: Capacity building for NPO and NPO input into capacity building opportunities for country representatives that are not part of the POA Collaboration with stakeholders Various Demands on NPO time

Completing Monthly Checklist Monthly checklist Kenya August 2005

Some Expected Results from country work Implementation ART Guidelines Baseline Pharmaceutical Survey Report Essential Medicines List National Drug Policy National Formulary Standard Treatment Guidelines

CD-Rom Collection features Will be accessed/searched in 3 ways: By country: all documents in a specific country grouped together and can be searched by subject By subject or document type Cross comparison over a range of criteria: e.g. compare data sets between countries Browse by alphabetical classification Browse by keyword Complete index/search function Extract PDF files separately More relevant documents could be added, links to websites etc Hyperlink to AFRO documents

The end… Thank you.