European Theatre.


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Presentation transcript:

European Theatre

Europe, then the Far East General Dwight David Eisenhower- Supreme Allied Commander

African Campaign(1942) Goal: Control Mediterranean, Invade Italy Met- German General Rommel “Desert Fox” Afrikan Korps- German Panzer divison Fierce Fighting in: Casablanca Tunis Tripoli

Invasion of Italy US 7th Army Invades Italy-1943 Led by General George C. Marshall

Germany vs. USSR 3.6 million Nazi troops overwhelm poorly trained Soviet Troops Soviets call for destruction of infrastructure during retreat Battle of Stalingrad determines turning point

Battle of Stalingrad(1943) Turning Point

D-Day: Invasion of Normandy Goal: Create a two-sided war Heavy defended/fortified beachheads Months of Heavy Bombing June 6, 1944 Dwight D Eisenhower Largest Amphibious Assault in History

Liberation of France Allies Led by General Patton Aug- 1944- Paris Liberated Sept- 1944- France Liberated

Battle of the Bulge Dec. 1944- Allied ready to invade Germany Hitler launches counterattack Allies pushed back but eventually defeated Germans

Fall of Berlin April. 1945- American and Russian Troops met at Elbe River April 1945- Hitler Kills himself May 7, 1945- US forces enter Berlin May 8, 1945- German forces surrender

What the Allies Found? The Holocaust