In the Cloud, Inspection Checklists and Auditing Can Be Managed with a Smartphone or Tablet MINI-CASE STUDY “We needed the ability to be able to host our.


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Presentation transcript:

In the Cloud, Inspection Checklists and Auditing Can Be Managed with a Smartphone or Tablet MINI-CASE STUDY “We needed the ability to be able to host our Inspector application securely and efficiently in the cloud, allowing our customers to start out very small and grow to any size with ease. Microsoft Azure gave us this capability.” – Simon Burke, CEO, IMEC Technologies SITUATION IMEC has a broad range of customers located all over the globe, ranging from the very small to some of the very largest multinational corporations. Inspector is applicable to organizations of any size and complexity, including those with large IT departments and those without any IT resource at all. The choice of how Inspector is hosted, delivered, and presented needed to be applicable to everyone. MICROSOFT AZURE ISV: IMEC Technologies WEB SITES: LOCATION: Ireland, UK, and USA ORG SIZE: 30 MICROSOFT AZURE ISV PROFILE: With over 30 years of experience in data collection software, IMEC Technologies develops products that provide customers with significant return on investment. For example, Inspector eliminates inspection/auditing paperwork while providing greater visibility and availability of results, stored securely in the Microsoft Azure cloud. Read about other Microsoft Azure ISVs SOLUTION Using mobile devices running IOS, Android, or Windows on both phones and tablets, the Inspector app synchronizes and stores its data with Microsoft SQL Server running in Azure Virtual Machines. Administrators and other users employ the Inspector website in Azure to analyze data and to view results/dashboards. Enterprise customers enjoy dedicated Azure subscriptions and can integrate Azure Active Directory domains to provide seamless connectivity with their on-premises resources through Azure’s VPN gateways. BENEFITS Even enterprise customers can start small, such as when in a trial mode, and then scale up compute power on their Azure Virtual Machines as their workload grows and their use of Inspector expands. In addition, Azure Storage capacity is nearly limitless.