Green Schools Recognition Program <Enter School Name>


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Presentation transcript:

Green Schools Recognition Program <Enter School Name> 2018-19 Application <Enter School Name> The Green Schools Recognition Program is coordinated by Florida Atlantic University’s Pine Jog Environmental Education Center, in collaboration with the School District of Palm Beach County and the Martin County School District

2018-19 APPLICATION GUIDELINES: BEFORE YOU BEGIN… This new 2018-2019 Green Schools Application was designed to provide schools with a clear, standardized format for organizing and submitting their green activities and documentation. The PowerPoint format is also intended to make it much easier to insert and arrange photos and other images on your documentation pages. If your team has access to a shared drive or Google drive, you can upload this PowerPoint so that your entire team can add activities and documents under the right indicators as you go. (If you upload to Google drive, you will then open with Google slides; the converted file will then appear in the same folder for easy access by your whole team.) To receive maximum points, schools are encouraged to follow the guidelines below: Application should describe and document new and ongoing green activities in the current academic year. Activities planned after March application deadline can be included as long as planning can be documented (ex. email confirmation of upcoming field trip). Read the 2018-19 Rubric thoroughly and consult it often as you write your application. Use 12-point font for all written sections and do not exceed spaces/slide limits indicated for each section. Use detailed bullet points to list and describe your initiatives for each indicator. To help judges award your school maximum points, include details such as: Number of students/classes/student groups/subject areas/grade levels involved Approximate dates of major events and activities (when applicable) Frequency or duration of initiatives (How often? How long? Are they ongoing?) Level of administrative support (when applicable) Level of student involvement and leadership (when applicable) Be sure to describe activities under every category/indicator in which they apply. Schools are encouraged to include activities under more than one indicator when relevant. Documentation may include, but is not limited to: Captioned photographs Images/snips/screenshots of: Relevant email communications Meeting or workshop agendas Lesson plans Sign-up lists (ex. for use of outdoor spaces or garden time) PowerPoint slides Letters of intent or commitment from community partners Records of related community service hours Newspaper articles School newsletter articles Please let us know if you need any assistance as you complete this application. Contact Lauren Butcher, Green Schools Program Coordinator, at or 561-686-6600.

PART A: COVER SHEET Please insert a photo or scanned copy of your SIGNED cover sheet below:

PART B: SCHOOL SUMMARY In the space below, please provide a brief introduction to your school. What would you want a visitor to know? (ex. size, demographics, special distinctions, Green School history)   <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Use 12-pt font. Do not exceed area provided.> (OPTIONAL) Do you think your school should be considered for a special Judge’s Choice Award in one of the following areas? Please let your judges know. You may select up to two areas and number them in order of priority. Outdoor Learning Habitat Improvement Energy Conservation Solid Waste Reduction Water Conservation Green Transportation Overall School Sustainability Healthy Food & Garden Initiatives Physical Fitness & Well-being Curriculum Integration Community Involvement Green Fundraising & Events Sharing Success & Lessons Learned (OPTIONAL) Are you submitting a GREEN SCHOOLS VIDEO? Please paste the link for your YouTube video submission below to be considered for a Judges Choice Award for Best Green Schools Video (DO NOT EMBED VIDEO). 1. <Type entry HERE.> 1 2. <Type entry HERE.> 1 By submitting this link, we certify that the below video entry meets all submission and eligibility requirements indicated in award announcement. <Paste link here>

PART C: DESCRIPTIONS & DOCUMENTATION I. SCHOOL GROUNDS ENHANCEMENT A. OUTDOOR LEARNING SPACES (6 points max) School designates and uses spaces on or near school grounds to foster outdoor learning for all students. Outdoor learning spaces (2 points max): How many spaces at your school have been designated for outdoor learning? Student use of outdoor learning spaces (4 points max): In the box below, please use bullet format to list each outdoor space and describe its use. For example: Name/description of outdoor space - How it is used for learning activities (# of classes/clubs/ grade levels using space, activities, frequency of use, etc.) Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. # <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

I. SCHOOL GROUNDS ENHANCEMENT OUTDOOR LEARNING SPACES - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR OUTDOOR LEARNING SPACES I. SCHOOL GROUNDS ENHANCEMENT DOCUMENTATION FOR OUTDOOR LEARNING SPACES Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, up to a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

I. SCHOOL GROUNDS ENHANCEMENT B. HABITAT IMPROVEMENT (6 points max) School works to improve native habitat on or near campus to engage students, staff and community as stewards of their environment. Projects or areas where native habitat is improved (3 points max): How many projects or areas do you have on or near school grounds that support native plants, wildlife and/or improve the natural environment? Student & school community stewardship of these projects/areas (3 points max): Please use bullet format to list each project/area and describe activities to improve habitat for native plants/wildlife. For example: Name/description of each project/area - How students/school community are involved (activities, # of students/school community, project dates/frequency of efforts, etc.) Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. # <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

I. SCHOOL GROUNDS ENHANCEMENT B. HABITAT IMPROVEMENT - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR HABITAT IMPROVEMENT I. SCHOOL GROUNDS ENHANCEMENT DOCUMENTATION FOR HABITAT IMPROVEMENT Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, up to a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Caption for photo(s) & document(s)

II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY A. ENERGY (6 points max.) Students, teachers, staff, and administration work together to implement initiatives that promote energy conservation. In bullet format, please list and describe each initiative in the space below. Please see rubric for examples and point progression. If possible, please include details such as: How many students/classes/grades/student groups, etc., were involved Approximate date(s), duration, frequency of activities Administration’s role (if applicable) Student leadership opportunities (if applicable) How shared with school community (if applicable) If changes in school energy use and associated cost savings were benchmarked with data, analyzed, and documented, please explain how and share results. Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY A. ENERGY (6 points max) – continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR ENERGY II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY DOCUMENTATION FOR ENERGY Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY B. SOLID WASTE (6 points max.) Students, teachers, staff, and administration work together to implement initiatives that promote solid waste reduction (first reduce, then reuse, & last recycle). In bullet format, please list and describe each initiative in the space below. Please see rubric for examples and point progression. If possible, please include details such as: How many students/classes/grades/student groups, etc., were involved Approximate date(s), duration, frequency of activities Administration’s role (if applicable) Student leadership opportunities (if applicable) How shared with school community (if applicable) If school solid waste reduction and associated cost savings were benchmarked with data, analyzed, and documented, please explain how and share results. Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY B. SOLID WASTE (6 points max) – continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR SOLID WASTE II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY DOCUMENTATION FOR SOLID WASTE Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY C. WATER (6 points max) Students, teachers, staff, and administration work together to implement initiatives that promote water conservation. In bullet format, please list and describe each initiative in the space below. Please see rubric for examples and point progression. If possible, please include details such as: How many students/classes/grades/student groups, etc., were involved Approximate date(s), duration, frequency of activities Administration’s role (if applicable) Student leadership opportunities (if applicable) How shared with school community (if applicable) If school water conservation efforts and associated cost savings were benchmarked with data, analyzed, and documented, please explain how and share results. Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY C. WATER (6 points max) – continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR WATER II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY DOCUMENTATION FOR WATER Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY D. TRANSPORTATION (4 points max) Students, teachers, staff, and administration work together to implement initiatives that promote alternative “green” transportation (walking, biking, carpooling, public transit). In bullet format, please list and describe each initiative in the space below. Please see rubric for examples and point progression. If possible, please include details such as: How many students/classes/grades/student groups, etc., were involved Approximate date(s), duration, frequency of activities Administration’s role (if applicable) Student leadership opportunities (if applicable) How shared with school community (if applicable) If green transportation efforts and associated cost savings were benchmarked with data, analyzed, and documented, please explain how and share results. Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY D. TRANSPORTATION (4 points max.) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR TRANSPORTATION II. SCHOOL SUSTAINABILITY DOCUMENTATION FOR TRANSPORTATION Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

III. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING HEALTHY FOOD & GARDEN INITIATIVES (6 points max) School promotes and models healthy, sustainable food choices through curriculum, programs, and hands-on gardening activities. School food garden projects (3 points max): In bullet format, please list and describe any food or vegetable gardens project(s) at your school: type (containers, raised beds, etc.), location(s), size(s), produce grown, when established, etc. This is a one-page entry to describe gardens themselves. Garden-related activities and student involvement should be included in next section. Please use 12-point font. Do not exceed space provided on this page. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

III. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING HEALTHY FOOD & GARDEN INITIATIVES - continued Engagement of students and school community in healthy food and garden projects and initiatives (3 points max): In bullet format, please list and describe any activities, lessons, programs, or initiatives that promote hands-on learning about healthy foods, nutrition, and/or food gardening. When applicable, please include: Who is involved (# of students/classes/grades/staff/families/community partners) When activities happen(ed) (dates, frequency, or duration) Opportunities for student leadership (if applicable) Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text area will expand as you type.>

III. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING B. HEALTHY FOOD & GARDEN INITIATIVES (6 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR HEALTHY FOOD & GARDEN INITIATIVES III. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING DOCUMENTATION FOR HEALTHY FOOD & GARDEN INITIATIVES Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

III. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING B. PHYSICAL FITNESS AND WELL-BEING (4 points max) School promotes physical fitness and well-being of students, teachers, staff, and families through school-wide programs and practices. In bullet format, list and describe initiatives that promote physical fitness and/or well-being. When applicable, please include: Approximate number of students/classes/student groups/staff involved When or how often activities happen(ed) (If applicable) Any involvement of families and/or community Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

III. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING B. PHYSICAL FITNESS AND WELL-BEING (4 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS & WELL-BEING III. HEALTH AND WELL-BEING DOCUMENTATION FOR PHYSICAL FITNESS & WELL-BEING Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

IV. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH (8 points max) Schools integrate environmental themes, lessons, activities and projects in all subject areas and collaborate across disciplines to meet curriculum standards and school learning goals. In bullet format, please list and describe how different classes/grade levels at your school integrate environmental lessons/activities across different subject areas. If applicable, describe any interdisciplinary collaboration among teachers of different subjects. Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

IV. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION A. INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH (8 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text area will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IV. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION DOCUMENTATION FOR INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

IV. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION B. ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS/ISSUES (8 points max) Students study current environmental topics/issues and explore possible solutions using a problem-solving, community-oriented approach. In bullet format, please list lessons on environmental topics/issues incorporated by teachers at different grade levels. When applicable, indicate how lessons are student-centered; foster critical thinking and/or problem solving; and/or allow students to develop solutions and share them with the community. Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

IV. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION B. ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS/ISSUES (8 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS/ISSUES IV. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION DOCUMENTATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL TOPICS/ISSUES Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

IV. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION C. FIELD EXPERIENCES (4 points max) Students learn about their local natural environments through guided first-hand observation and investigation. In bullet format, please list student field experiences and investigations of local natural environments for different classes/grade levels. If applicable, please indicate: Do students collect/analyze data to answer investigation questions? Do student investigations contribute to larger, ongoing citizen science projects? Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

IV. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION C. FIELD EXPERIENCES (4 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES IV. CURRICULUM INTEGRATION DOCUMENTATION FOR FIELD EXPERIENCES Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

V. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT STUDENT LEADERSHIP IN SCHOOL COMMUNITY (4 points max) Students model and practice successful collaboration, partnership, and leadership skills within the school community to advance green initiatives. In bullet format, list and describe student opportunities to work with, mentor, and lead other students and school community. Please see rubric for relevant details and point progression. Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

V. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT A. STUDENT LEADERSHIP IN SCHOOL COMMUNITY (4 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP V. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT DOCUMENTATION FOR STUDENT LEADERSHIP Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

V. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT B. COMMUNITY SERVICE & SERVICE LEARNING (6 points max) Students participate in green community service and service learning projects that directly benefit the wider community. In bullet format, please list and describe student community service and service learning projects. When possible, please include: Who participated (approx. # of students/classes/grades/student groups, etc.) When events/projects occur(red) or if they are ongoing (approx. dates, frequency, etc.) (If applicable) extent to which projects incorporate learning, achieve curriculum goals Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

V. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT B. COMMUNITY SERVICE & SERVICE LEARNING PROJECTS (6 points max) – cont. Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE & SERVICE LEARNING V. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT DOCUMENTATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE & SERVICE LEARNING Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

V. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT C. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (6 points max) Non-school community members such as non-profits, environmental learning centers, government agencies, and other civic/community groups work with students and teachers to provide education, expertise, project guidance, learning resources, and/or financial support to advance school’s green initiatives. In bullet format, please list and describe current and ongoing “green” community partnerships. Refer to rubric for examples, point progression, and relevant details to include. Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

V. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT C. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (6 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES V. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT DOCUMENTATION FOR COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS IN SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE SCHOOL EVENTS & FUNDRAISING (6 points max) School fundraisers and events raise community awareness about environmental sustainability and healthy living by modeling green practices, supporting green initiatives, and/or by focusing on environmental themes. In bullet format, please list and describe efforts to “green” school fundraisers and events this year. Please see rubric for examples, point progression and relevant details to include Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE A. SCHOOL EVENTS & FUNDRAISING (6 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR SCHOOL EVENTS & FUNDRAISING VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE DOCUMENTATION FOR SCHOOL EVENTS & FUNDRAISING Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE B. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (4 points max) Teachers, staff, and administration use professional development that supports green curriculum and initiatives as a way to build Green School capacity. In bullet format, list green p.d. opportunities in which teachers/staff have participated this year. When possible, please include: relevant dates number of participants. (when applicable) how p.d. was implemented with students/in school operations Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE B. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (4 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE DOCUMENTATION FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE C. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES & PLANNING (6 points max) Green School goals and initiatives are systematically included as core components of administrative policy and school planning efforts. Administrative policies (2 points max): Please list all school-wide green policies and level of administrative leadership and involvement in their implementation. Please use 12-point font. This is a one-page entry. Do not exceed space provided on this page. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE C. ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES & PLANNING (6 points max) Green School goals and initiatives are systematically included as core components of administrative policy and school planning efforts. School planning efforts (4 points max): Please describe school Green Team’s planning efforts. Please include: Number of Green Team members Composition of members (whether they represent teachers, staff, students, etc.) How often Green Team meets (if applicable) Additional school planning efforts (see rubric) Please use 12-point font. This is a one-page entry. Do not exceed space provided on this page. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

DOCUMENTATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES & PLANNING VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE DOCUMENTATION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES & PLANNING Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)

VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE D. SHARING SUCCESS & LESSONS LEARNED (4 points max) School shares its Green School identity and experience with other schools and the wider community. Please list and describe all ways in which your school shares its efforts to be green with students, staff, families and the community. Please use 12-point font. Continue entry on next page if necessary. Do not exceed space provided on these two pages for this indicator. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type.>

VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE D. SHARING SUCCESS & LESSONS LEARNED (4 points max) - continued Continue description from previous page if necessary. Delete slide if not needed. <Type entry HERE. Text box will expand as you type. Do not exceed area provided. >

DOCUMENTATION FOR SHARING SUCCESS & LESSONS LEARNED VI. SCHOOL-WIDE CULTURE DOCUMENTATION FOR SHARING SUCCESS & LESSONS LEARNED Insert documentation and captions below. You may include multiple photos/documents on this page. You may duplicate this slide if necessary, for a max of 2 documentation pages for this indicator. Captions for photo(s) & document(s)