II. Resources & Religion
A. Black Gold Around 50% of the world’s oil is located in the Middle East Saudi Arabia – World’s largest oil-producing country Place where the United States gets the majority of its oil
Saudi Oil
B. Taking Control of Oil United States and European countries created oil companies in the Middle East OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Member countries: Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Venezuela Controls the price and amount of oil produced
C. New Products Primary Product – Raw material that will someday run out Most of these countries export primary products Secondary Products – Goods manufactured from primary products
D. Religion in the Region Islam is the dominate religion of the region Over one billion people practice Islam today Around 1/6th of the world’s population
E. Five Pillars of Islam 1) There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is a great prophet 2) Pray five times a day facing Mecca 3) Give money to the poor 4) Fast during the month of Ramadan 5) Make a trip to Mecca once in your lifetime if you can afford it
F. Traditional Culture Many Middle East people are adopting western ways of life Examples 1) Fast-food 2) Television 3) Music
Window Shopping in Iran
Many fear that this lose of tradition is coming at a heavy price Women in these countries have restricted rights In Saudi Arabia women are not allowed to gather with men or drive cars Men are allowed to have up to four wives