Warm Up Please Work Independently In your notes, please answer the following question: On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being absolutely noting and 10 being.


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Warm Up Please Work Independently In your notes, please answer the following question: On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being absolutely noting and 10 being everything, how much do you think you know about American government and politics?

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AP US Government and Politics Objective: Students will be able to analyze American’s knowledge of elections and politics by examining election knowledge in different demographic groups.

Evidence To show me you have mastered today’s objective, you will have created a “headline” to highlight your understanding of our reading.

AP US Government and Politics Agenda: Warm Up Introduction Course Contracts “What Voters Know…” Headline Socratic Seminar Expectations

Why is this important? There are some scary implications about our country based on how much Americans know about government and politics.

Course Contracts

“What Voters Know…”

Headlines Write a headline about this article that captures an important aspect or core idea that you would want to remember. Be prepared to explain why you chose this headline based on what you read.

Partner Headlines Share your headline with your partner Discuss why you wrote that headline based on what you read (back it up with evidence from the text!)

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Thinking Questions What does this information say about Americans? What are the implications of this for American society? Should/could we do anything about this?

Socratic Seminar Expectations

Review What did we learn today? Why is it important? How does it apply in the real world?