Transatlantic Trade/Triangular Trade


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Presentation transcript:

Transatlantic Trade/Triangular Trade

More like a web, than a triangle More trade between West Indies and colonies than explained as a triangle

Sugar Cane Imported from Asia to the New world Sugar cane plantations Needs a large labor force

Why the African? Native American was the 1st slave in the new world. He was biologically naïve. Victim of disease, starvation, and cruel treatment through various atrocities.

Why the African? Bartolome de las Casa- fought against the cruelty toward the Native American. Thought the African was a better choice because of immunity to disease, knowledge of farming and various skilled labor. Later recanted this idea.

Middle Passage Dreaded passage across the Atlantic Africans packed into ships Many died

Some captains tried to keep Africans healthy because they were an investment

What are you Prior to slave trade you where defined by Religion Homeland Sex –Male or Female (white and black were not an issue yet)

When race became an issue In beginning, a loophole for slave to become free was converting and being baptized. To fix this loophole slavery became based on race thus creating black and white.

Inferiority European begin to believe the African is inferior to justify using them as forced labor. To ease the guilty conscious they justify by giving the African Christianity. By being “inferior” they could treat them subhuman.

Matrilineal vs. Patrilineal European society gives status to children based upon status of father. The slave is given status of mother for several reasons To create generations of slave labor at no cost. Allow master options of not claiming their offspring

Indentured Servant Mostly European, sold themselves into a temporary slavery to repay the cost of immigration to the new world. Problem the I.S. could blend in with other colonist thus could easily escape thus did not honor his agreement.

Where they went