Azure-Powered Solution Ensures Great Precision and Clinical Accuracy for Health Monitoring Kit “Security and privacy are at the core of how we develop.


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Presentation transcript:

Azure-Powered Solution Ensures Great Precision and Clinical Accuracy for Health Monitoring Kit “Security and privacy are at the core of how we develop our digital health platform. Using Microsoft Azure assures us that our Connected Health Kits deliver a quality outcome and are hosted in a HIPAA-compliant environment.” – Robert Kaul, CEO, Cloud DX SITUATION As a fast-growing startup, Cloud DX needed a solution with flexible infrastructure costs that could handle large quantities of information with a proven ability to back up and recover data. Securely storing data in a cloud-based environment was a crucial requirement for Cloud DX when evaluating alternative computing services. MICROSOFT AZURE ISV: Cloud DX WEB SITE: LOCATION: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada and Brooklyn, NY, USA ORG SIZE: 11-20 employees MICROSOFT AZURE ISV PROFILE: Cloud DX engineers and sells precision vital sign monitoring equipment, software and mobile apps. Products are used by advanced health care providers and patients to extend care beyond the four walls of the clinic. Cloud DX is a leading competitor in the highly regulated digital health care market and best known as a top-seven finalist in the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE. SOLUTION Cloud DX ultimately selected an SQL Server hosted on Microsoft Azure to become its infrastructure solution. Components such as Azure Virtual Machines, load balancers, SQL Servers, and backup vault provide the security and access control needed to ensure health data is well-protected and easily accessible. Cloud software allows the company to keep pace with continually growing data needs and meet global health care security standards including HIPAA. Using Microsoft Azure, developers were able to build Connected Heath Kit device applications, which allow for remote monitoring of health vitals with secure, durable, and highly scalable cloud storage. BENEFIT Microsoft Azure provides Cloud DX continuous synchronization of data to avoid potential loss of critical health care information. Azure allows for simplified integration with electronic medical records and provides real-time metrics for all its users.