AIM: How did Genghis Khan influence the development of the Mongol Empire? Do Now: Make a T-Chart outlining Genghis Khan’s positive and negative characteristics.


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Presentation transcript:

AIM: How did Genghis Khan influence the development of the Mongol Empire? Do Now: Make a T-Chart outlining Genghis Khan’s positive and negative characteristics.

Ghengis Khan’s Leadership abilities Pros Cons

Governance Genghis ordered the creation of a written language. Imported many of the best minds from Northern China to teach the Mongols about military technology and modern medicine. Created a law code. Set aside specific lands for different Mongol tribes to graze on.

Conquests The Mongols conquered many empires that were already in decline. Jurchen (Jin Dynasty) Abbasid Caliphate Song Dynasty They had a superior military and learned the techniques and tactics of more advanced people.

Two Faces of Mongol Rule Those who surrendered peacefully were spared. Those who fought back were mercilessly destroyed.

How did the ruthlessness of the Mongols make future victories easier to achieve?

Religious Tolerance Mongols allowed those they conquered to practice their religions freely. However, it was forbidden to kill sheep and they placed limits on Jews and Muslims practicing their dietary restrictions and circumcision.

Communication and Spread of Culture Established a communication system similar to the Pony Express called the Yam. Controlled the entire silk road. Many Mongols and other Turkic nomads (in Persia) ultimately converted to Islam and continued spreading the religion to new places.

The Yam

Death of Genghis Before his death, Genghis Khan divided his empire among his sons Ögedei, Chagatai, Tolui, and Jochi into several Khanates designed as sub-territories: their Khans were expected to follow the Great Khan, who was, initially, Ögedei. (Jochi's death several months before Genghis Khan meant that his lands were instead split between his sons, Batu and Orda) He chose his son Ögedei as his heir for the position of Great Khan because he thought Ögedei was the most mentally stable.

Ögedei Ögedei ruled as great Khan from 1229 to 1241 CE. His son ruled from 1246-1248. After this Great Khan died, the line of Ogedei was overthrown by the line of his brother Tolui. After the first of Tolui’s sons died, two of his other sons, Kublai and his brother Ariq Boke engaged in a battle of succession. Guess who won…

Kublai Khan!!!! 1215-1294CE

Khanate of the Golden Hoard The Khanates of Batu and Orda (Jochi’s sons) ultimately came to be known as the Khanate of the Golden Hoard. Batu was assisted in his conquests by Genghis Khan’s great general Subedei. It was a semi-autonomous empire that ruled over much of Russia and Eastern Europe from the 1240s to 1502. The rulers of this empire were technically subservient to the Great Khan, but really did their own thing.

Mongol Conquest of Russia Set Russia’s development back by a few centuries. Prevented Russia from becoming Rome Part III. The Mongols in Russia assimilated the least in the culture of those they conquered. The Golden Hoard was the most powerful empire in Europe during its peak.

Khanate of the Golden Hoard

Ilkhanate of Persia 1256-1335/1353 Founded by Hulagu Khan, the brother of Kublai Khan. Conquered the Abbasid Caliphate. Lost to the Egyptians. Mostly converted to Islam.

Khanate of Chagatai Founded by Genghis Khan’s son Chagatai. 1225-1680s Least powerful of the original khanates.

Kublai Khan!

Kublai hunting!

Hand Canon

Kublai meets Marco Polo

Empress Chabi – his favorite wife

Group Activity Working in small groups, each of you is going to become an expert in some area of Kublai Khan’s life. Your job is going to involve; reading your excerpt answering the corresponding questions on your handout. Creating a small poster that contains the information you have learned. Presenting your findings to the class in the form of a 2-3 minute presentation.

Roles in Groups Captain Time Keeper Speaker Writer: Will write group’s work on the board. Researcher

AIM: How did Kublai Khan influence history and the Mongolian Empire? Do Now: Group 3,4,5 writers write your group’s work on the board

Summarization: In your opinion, was Kublai Khan a successful leader Summarization: In your opinion, was Kublai Khan a successful leader? Why or why not?

Pax Mongolia Lasted about 100 years

Silk Road Mongols controlled the entire trade route and kept it safer than it had ever been. Marco Polo able to travel along it from Europe to China Increased diffusion of Arab, Chinese and Indian advances. "a maiden bearing a nugget of gold on her head could wander safely throughout the realm."

Silk Road under Mongol rule

Yam First communication system to connect the Far East to the Far West. Checkpoints every 25 miles along the Silk Road.

Causes for Decline Incompetent and rivaling leaders Corruption Revolts Decadence factional struggles Assassinations Religious intolerance external attacks Disease Bubonic Plague

Decline results Trade between the east and west diminished. In China, descendants of Kublai Khan claimed the Mongols weakened their power by becoming "too Chinese"