Paper 1: Civil Rights 1945-73.


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Presentation transcript:

Paper 1: Civil Rights 1945-73

- Cause, Effect, Explain a change - Paper One Civil Rights 1945-1973 Germany 1919 - 1945 Exactly the same kind of questions - Cause, Effect, Explain a change -

Paper One Civil Rights 1945-1973 Germany 1919 - 1945 6 June 1 hour 30 minutes (45 mins each)

Chronology (3 marks) Timeline of events

Give one effect of: (4 marks) HUAC activities Hiss, Rosenberg, Hollywood Ten McCarthy hearings Brown vs Topeka, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Little Rock Martin Luther King, Birmingham, Washington March Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Black Panthers, Race Riots SDS, NOW, Betty Friedan, Women’s Lib Watergate Scandal

What caused: (8 marks) - The Red Scare - McCarthy’s downfall - Progress in Civil Rights Movement by 1965 - Emergence of black Power - Student protest movement - Women’s rights movement - Changes in these protest movements - Nixon’s resignation

This led to the event because: Reason 1 = This led to the event because: Reason 2 = The LINK between the two to produce X

Use source and facts to explain changes in: (10 marks) Red Scare Civil Rights Movement Student protest movement Women’s movement Nixon’s popularity This question could also ask you to explain why a situation happened or explain the results of a situation

Factor from the source which caused change Detailed facts from my own knowledge to add Link between two factors