UNIDO Support for Industry under the Climate Convention


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Presentation transcript:

UNIDO Support for Industry under the Climate Convention Dr. Peter Pembleton Project Manager Project 21/09/2018

* 07/16/96 Issues Assessment of technology needs cannot ignore associated needs for capacity / ‘enabling environment’ & should not be an end in itself UNIDO programme aims to mobilize national & (sub-) regional capacity & develop mechanisms that support [industrial] technology transfer (including pre-project, project and post project launch issues) Previous efforts largely ignored industry and its potential to assist in achieving CC/CDM goals q       Pre-project issues Ø      identification and removal of barriers to technology transfer and absorption Ø      identification of national sustainable (industrial) development objectives and appropriate criteria Ø      identification of technology and technology information needs Ø      access to and utilization of appropriate sources of information Ø      preparation of sectoral & national baselines Ø      support to the processes of FDI (e.g. matchmaking services, investment events); q       Project issues Ø      formulation and development of CDM projects Ø      application of baselines and determination of additionality for CDM project Ø      assessment of technologies to determine their appropriateness Ø      negotiation with project/technology sponsors; q       Post project launch issues Ø      management of the process of technology transfer Ø      management of the projects (technical and economic aspects) Ø      management and absorption of the technologies once transferred under the CDM Ø      monitoring the projects and Ø      certifying emissions’ reductions from the projects. EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002 *

Phases 3 phases Phase I: National review of industry & past CC/CDM activities—background studies Phase II: Detailed capacity & targeted technology needs assessments—preparatory assistance (to develop programme to submit to donors / donor agencies) Phase III: Programme implementation—learning-by-doing EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Programme framework Identifying and prioritizing * 07/16/96 Programme framework Identifying and prioritizing mitigation options Implementation of projects Mobilizing stakeholders’ participation Identifying and prioritizing capacity needs Creation of ‘national support programs’ Always I - III III - IV EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002 *

Teams Africa teams Asian teams Associated with Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Zambia & Zimbabwe (Phases I & II) Tanzania, Congo – Brazzaville (Phase I) Asian teams Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam (Phase I) Associated with Government, private sector, research / academia & NGOS EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Programme activities (I & II) National reviews of needs for (national experts consulting with key stakeholders) Technology in (2) energy-intensive industrial sectors / country + Related capacity Barriers to be removed Involvement of key stakeholders Determination / development of SD / SID objectives & indicators EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Programme activities (I & II) National development of (teams of national experts in full consultation with key stakeholders) Portfolio of industrial CC projects + Barrier removal strategies ‘Integrated’ capacity building programme Public-private partnerships Network & knowledge base EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Programme activities (I & II) Supportive studies Key infrastructure requirements for industrial projects Integration of MEAs into national legislation Financing of industrial projects (under the CDM) EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

* 07/16/96 Groups of needs The following are, inter alia, needed in-country to support the transfer of technology Increased information and awareness Technical advisory services Improved legal / regulatory environment Improved economic framework Better flows of FDI and finance Improved institutional support for all the above EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002 *

Programme interventions (III) * 07/16/96 Programme interventions (III) Technology & the related issues of Energy Investment Legislation / Regulations Information Tools EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002 *

Technology Industrial processes and GHG emission * 07/16/96 Technology Industrial processes and GHG emission Processes in industry: technology forecasting and monitoring Technology identification Technology evaluation and pricing Technology negotiation Technology adoption, adaptation and absorption EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002 *

Energy Co-generation Efficiency measures Audits Management systems * 07/16/96 Energy Co-generation Efficiency measures Audits Management systems Fuel switch options EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002 *

Investment Investment opportunities Costs of investments * 07/16/96 Investment Investment opportunities Costs of investments BOO/BOT Joint Venture Financial schemes Risks / security / insurance EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002 *

Legislation/regulations * 07/16/96 Legislation/regulations Incorporation of international treaties into national legal system Regulatory framework for technology transfer Adequacy of the intellectual property protection legislation Governments’ investment related policies and legislation vis-a-vis technology transfer Capacity to sufficiently negotiate technology transfer arrangements Dispute settlement in technology transfer EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002 *

Information Dissemination Communication Packaging Hosting of a website * 07/16/96 Information Dissemination Communication Packaging Hosting of a website Virtual network Tools COMFAR IDENTIFY EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002 *

Programme outputs (III) Information and awareness: Linkage between CC/CDM projects and their relation to business and potential benefits Knowledge on how to access, select, import and adapt appropriate climate-friendly industrial technologies Commercial & financial benefits from energy efficiency & cogeneration Benefits at company level EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Programme outputs (III) (CDM) project portfolio development: Capacity to undertake surveys and observations for baseline elaboration Monitoring equipment Capacity to undertake baseline and environmental additionality and sustainable development assessments Capacity to prepare bankable proposals EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Programme outputs (III) Enabling environment: Institutional set up for performing (CDM) project cycle functions Capacity to manage processes related to the transfer, adoption, adaptation & absorption of technologies Improved regulatory structures Improved national/regional policies (trade, environment and technology transfer) EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Programme outputs (III) Inclusion of (CDM) investment by traditional national/regional institutions in their lending portfolio Improved financial base for local companies to implement (CDM) projects Improved import duties & taxes EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Results to date Started with 6 African experts that became leaders of their own national teams Industry interests increasingly represented at COP/MOPs Each country now has ‘core’ team--members have different expertise Technology/sectoral, investment, finance, energy, information, policy/legislation Each country has mobilized stakeholders in each major sector of the economy Now ca. 200 individuals in present Africa ‘network’ EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Results to date A preliminary portfolio of industrial (CDM) projects & associated experience A ‘learning-by-doing’ CB programme Increased awareness & capacity of Phase I & II participants EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Replicability Started with 6 African countries then: 5 ASEAN countries in 2001 2 new African countries in 2001 12 new expressions of interest recently EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

Approach taken Country-driven Bottom-up, multi-stakeholder, learning-by-doing process Foster public-private partnerships Mobilize private sector & local capacity ‘Integrated’ approach based upon long-standing UNIDO experience industrial development, technology, investment promotion & capacity building Supports sustainable industrial development EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002

www.jiqweb.org (April 2002 edition) More information http://www.unido.org/doc/310797.htmls & http://www.unido.org/knitt/ + www.jiqweb.org (April 2002 edition) EGM on Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments, Seoul, April 2002