English Colonization of the New World


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Presentation transcript:

English Colonization of the New World Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth

Sir Humphrey Gilbert 1582, using French and Spanish land deeds, Gilbert estimated that roughly 9 million acres would belong to England, Parliament gives him permission to sail and claim the land For months every attempt to sail across the ocean failed for strange reasons, on the last attempt, Sir Humphrey was lost at sea and died

Sir Walter Raleigh Expeditions 1584: Sir Walter Raleigh pays Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlow to sail to the New World, they land at Roanoke Island and return with natives Manteo and Wanchese 1585: Sir Walter pays Richard Grenville to sail to Roanoke and create a colony. Sir Richard has to stop in Puerto Rico to repair his ship and luckily is able to buy Virginia for England. His voyage was not as peaceful and the colony fails 1586: Sir Frances Drake arrives in Roanoke just in time to save the colonists and return them home to England, Sir Walter is embarrassed but determined to build a colony 1587: Sir Walter pays Simon Fernandez to bring families and supplies back to Virginia and create a colony, due to weather and bad decisions, they land back at Roanoke . This colony also fails and becomes known as the “LostColony of Roanoke Island”

Jamestown Between 1590 and 1605 all British explorers refused to sail to NC over fears of the “Lost Colony” 1606: The Virginia Company gets permission to sail and create a colony in the New World as long as they avoid Roanoke, King James I allows the voyage 1607: The first settlers arrive at the entrance of the Chesapeake Bay and call the land where they build their homes “Jamestown” to honor the King of England Almost all the colonists die of disease, starvation and attacks, 1607-1610 is known as the “Starving Time”. Those that survive will become some of the wealthiest landowners in the New World when illegally smuggled tobacco seeds arrive in Jamestown Within 10 years after the “Starving Time”, Jamestown is the busiest and most thriving colony in the New World

The Plymouth Colony 1691: England wins the rights to the land that is now Massachusetts but decides against colonizing it over fears of the Lost Colony’s fate 1619: King James I decides to expel a group of Christians called Separatists from England. The King also signs alliances around Europe so that no one will take them in, facing certain death they elect to buy the rights to a small piece of Massachusetts and vow to never return to England ever 1620: The first group of Separatists arrive and are forced to spend the entire winter on their boat named “The Mayflower”. They create a set of laws for their new colony in the event that they survive the winter 1621: The Mayflower returns to England as the colonist struggle to survive. Two local natives named: Massasoit and Squanto took pity on them and offered assistance and food At the end of their 1st year in Plymouth, the few remaining alive colonists sat to eat their meager harvest and that became known as “The 1st Thanksgiving”

England Thrives With the recent success of Jamestown and Plymouth, England begins a full scale colonization of all lands in North America In all, 13 colonies will be created and in 1783 become known as The United States of America