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Presentation transcript:


THE CHARACTERIZATION of _____ MALEVOLENCE/MALEVOLENT/EVIL or GOODNESS/ BENEVOLENCE/BENEVOLENT Write a body paragraph rough draft focusing on goodness/benevolence Write a body paragraph rough draft focusing on evil/malevolence

(TS) The characterization of ____ shows him/her/it to be_____ (TS) The characterization of ____ shows him/her/it to be_____. (CD) First, ______________________________________________ (CM) This shows_________________________________________ (CM) This is important ____________________________________ (CD) Next, ______________________________________________ (CM) This supports ______________________________________ (CM) This is important ____________________________________ (CS) (I have learned) ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________ REMEMBER TO HAVE SET UP THE CDs: provide some who, what, where, why info. in front of the CD

Chapter 1 Notes: Kino poor native pearl diver. Happy as the day begins. Hears songs in his mind. He hears the song of family. Kino watches the dawn. The glare of the sun is blinding. Young and strong with brown skin. Juana, Kino's wife, wakes and checks their baby Coyotito. She starts the fire. It lights the straw hut they live in. Juana makes the corn cakes for breakfast. She takes the baby and cares for him. She sings to him. Puts the baby back in his box (crib). She eats beside the fire after Kino. Strong as a man, good wife. Coyotito has a streak of sunlight hit him. A scorpion crawls down the rope holding the crib. Juana states a Hail Mary to protect the baby. He laughingly tries to touch the scorpion. The scorpion stings the baby. Kino was a moment too late to stop it and then crushes the scorpion into paste as the baby cries. Juana tries to help the baby (sucks out the poison). Juana wants the doctor to see the baby. Juan Tomas (Kino's bro) and Apolonia (Juan's wife) The doctor, lives in town, only helps the rich, will not come to the poor straw hut village. mean, rich, cheap, greedy. fat and lazy. of a race that has for 400 years used and abused Kino's people. Misses France, had a mistress. Will not help Kino because he does not have any money.

Chapter 2 Kino's canoe is one of his most prized possessions. It was handed down from generation to generation. It provides food, money etc. for his family. Juana tends to Coyotito. Blocks the hot sun from him. Use damp cool seaweed to compress the scorpion sting. Probably did as good a job as the doctor would have. She prays for luck to find a worthy pearl. The pearl of the world captured the light and refined it and gave it back in silver incandescence. It was perfect. Kino sees dreams in the pearl. The baby's wound is improving.

EVIL or MALEVOLENCE Ch. 1 Kino hears song of evil near the doctor The doctor (examples: he will not help Coyotito, he had a mistress, he is fat and ignorant, only helps the rich, is known for clumsy abortions, considers Kino and his people animals)

GOODNESS or BENEVOLENCE Ch. 1 Juana is benevolent (lights the fire, cooks, aids Coyotito, sucks poison out, wants to take Coyotito to the doctor, always waits for Kino to wake up, strong, obedient) Kino tries to protect Coyotito from the scorpion Ch. 2 The pearl Juana blocks sun from the baby with her shawl, puts a seaweed compress on the sting, prays for luck to find a pearl

EXAMPLE PARAGRAPH: (TS) The characterization of Coyotito shows him to be innocent. (CD) To begin with, this is seen when Coyotito’s purity is protected by his mother and father. In chapter one, after the baby is stung Juana tries to remove the poison from the scorpion’s sting, while Kino destroys it. (CM 1) This shows that the baby is pure since others will go out of their way to defend him. (CM 2) This is important because protecting the innocent is a noble and moral act. (CD) Next, while out in the canoe, Coyotio is protected from the sun by his mother’s shawl. (CM 1) This proves the baby’s incorruptibility since the light is so strong upon him that he needs to be shielded. (CM 2) In other words, he is so bright and virtuous he must be safely guarded. (CS) In conclusion, pure innocent goodness will be naturally protected.