The Bento Approach to Next-Generation Discovery and Delivery Systems


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Presentation transcript:

The Bento Approach to Next-Generation Discovery and Delivery Systems William H. Mischo Mary C. Schlembach Michael A. Norman Jason P. Heldreth University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Library Research Showcase November 10, 2015

Library Discovery at a Crossroads Academic libraries should “step back to reconfirm (or reconsider) their vision for discovery, to ensure that their visions connect with information-seeking practices … determine whether they have a viable strategy …” Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R, 2014 Explore “Full Library Discovery” models that move beyond the retrieval of collections to also include local information services and content. Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC, 2013

Evolution of Discovery Over the last 20 years: Supercatalogs with A&I services loaded; Federated search systems employing broadcast searching Web-Scale Discovery Systems (WSDS) with metadata and full-text in aggregated single consolidated index Hybrid Bento style systems with information results presented in a zoned screen display with content grouped into separate, designated screen areas

Overarching Challenges in Discovery Should libraries be (or want to be) the starting point for users seeking scholarly content? If we believe libraries have always played a supplementary role in exploration, should the focus be on aiding delivery of known-items? Recent studies on WSDS have identified user issues with interpreting blended results displays, relevancy rankings of results, and inadequate access to local library services

What have we learned from User Studies? Transaction logs: 1.5 million searches 2014-2015: Average words per query is 5.17 words 3.58 words per query in 2008; 3.76 words per query in 2009; 4.33 words per query in 2011, 5.11 in 2014 48.7% were 3 words or less, 30.5% are 6 words or more 58.4% are known item: 80.2% title, 9,4% author/title, 4.5% author, 1.7% full citation Importance of full-text access: Discovery is Delivery Seeing a lot of cut-and-paste known-item searching 29.1% of all sessions used a search assistance suggestion or custom added link 73.34% of click actions available in our Bento

Bento Characteristics 23 libraries with Bento implementations All have Books and Articles area Articles: 17 Summon, 2 Primo, 2 EDS Website = 15, library guides = 9, journals = 10, databases = 10, digital collections = 7 OPAC can be separate from WSDS (VuFind); Princeton: Primo OPAC/Summon articles **Subject top picks = 7, staff contacts = 5 Illinois: spell checking, one-click to full-text PDF or DOI lookup (no link resolver), OPAC availability info and direct links to e-resources

Bento as Solution Better distinguishes format types to ameliorate blended display problems in WSDS – but silos Many users come in with known-item book, journal article citation, journal title, etc. Users want access to disciplinary databases Some libraries have invested in local or regional OPACs rather than WSDS OPAC Full library discovery includes websites, pathfinder content, datasets, subject specialist links, course management systems

Illinois Bento