Classicism, Romanticism and Revival Styles
Joseph II. Mother Maria Theresa Sister Marie Antoinette – French Revolution Abolition of churches and monasteries – utilitarianizm
Strahov Library
Estates Theatre Mozart
Francis I. Napoleon, enthroned 1806 Marie Louise
Empire Style Kačina chateau, since 1806
Holy Cross Church, Prague, Na Příkopech
Romanticism Discovery of nature Sublime – 1757 Edmund Burke – beauty and horror English Parks – a shock from the developements in France led to a programatic orientation on English architecture Romantic architecture in Tudor or Windsdor style Medieval revival architecture and taste for ruins
Romantic Parks Château Veltrusy Small classicist temples, romantic ruins One of the oldest nature-landscape parks in Europe
Romantic Parks Aristocrats Klamovka, Prague- Smíchov
Château Hluboká
Gothique Revival London Parliament Completion of the Old Town Hall, 1830´s
Romanticism Delacroix Čermák
Romantic Landscape: Antonín Mánes
Romantic Landscape: Antonín Mánes
Rococo Revival Josef Mánes: The Red Parasol, 1855
Nationalism Karlín Temple, Romanesque Revival, 1850´s
The National Theatre Renaissance Revival, 1860´s 1880´s completed
Gothic Revival