London Funders: Theory of change


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Presentation transcript:

London Funders: Theory of change David Warner & Katie Boswell – Presentation to Research & Evaluation Network (January 2017)

Agenda for today Introduction The journey so far Background Creating the Theory of Change Key lessons What next? Sharing and using the ToC How would you like to use the ToC? Wrap-up and next steps

The journey so far

Background London Funders wanted to improve its understanding of how its work contributes to its goal: ‘the needs of Londoners are met’ London Funders’ unique contribution to that goal focuses on creating ‘an effective ecosystem for funders working in London’ Assumes that if funders operate within an effective ecosystem, then a positive social impact on Londoners will follow London Funders approached NPC to help develop a theory of change for its work Based on a shared understanding of what an effective ecosystem for funders looks like Refined and tested over time—intended to be a live document

Creating the theory of change Sept ‘15 Oct ‘15 Nov ‘15 Dec ‘15 Define an effective ecosystem Develop a theory of change Design a measurement framework Desk research Interviews Brainstorm with London Funders Workshop with Board members Draft theory of change Prioritise outcomes and indicators Levels of evidence Tools and sources

Key lessons Ecosystem approach emphasises the importance of nurturing relationships and spaces for change We should switch from being architects and engineers to being ‘ecosystem gardeners’ (Duncan Green, How change happens) Culture and values matter Need to understand points of leverage in the system and how to influence change This is an ongoing task as the ecosystem and needs of Londoners are constantly evolving No funder is an island LF members are embedded in the wider funder ecosystem Impact cannot be understood in isolation Collective responsibility to own and shape the ecosystem

What next?

Sharing & using the theory of change

Discussion How should London Funders develop the Theory of Change? More interactive? More real-time information? More case studies? How would you like to use the London Funders Theory of Change? Does it resonate with your organisation’s Theory of Change? Is it a useful tool for discussions with your colleagues / Board? Where would you place your organisation in terms of: Knowledge? Collaboration? Voice?

Wrap-up and next steps