Political Spectrum Where do you fit? http://www.isidewith.com/


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Presentation transcript:

Political Spectrum Where do you fit? http://www.isidewith.com/

Conservative Moderately Conservative Liberal Reactionary Moderately Radical Liberal 0-8 9-20 21-32 33-47 48-60 61-72 73-80 Democrat Republican Independents Socialist Communist Libertarian Fascist http://www.isidewith.com/

RIGHT WING Reactionaries: * FAR right * wish to return to society of the pre-Civil War period * believe the Christian white male should be supreme * limit federal government’s power * promote the use of violence EX: KKK, Neo-Nazi skinheads, militia groups RIGHT WING

Conservative: * People who hold conservative ideals favor keeping things the way they are, conservatives are usually hesitant or cautious about adopting new policies, especially if they involve government activism *preserve the status quo * decrease government involvement in economy * increase government involvement in society * lock up and execute more criminals * want more power in the states * limit role of federal government EX: Christian Coalition, veterans groups, Republican Party

IN THE MIDDLE Moderate * Moderates may share viewpoints with both liberals and conservatives * vote according to the issue * sometime split ticket voters * ”fence post sitters” * most of Americans * U.S. Presidents aim their ideologies for the middle

LEFT WING Liberals: *encourage change: Liberals believe that the government should be actively involved in the promotion of social welfare of a nation’s citizens. Liberals usually call for peaceful, gradual change within the existing political system. * increase government involvement in economy * Decrease government involvement in society * anti-death penalty, anti-gun ownership * promote powerful federal government * support minority rights EX: Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood

Radical: * desire no government involvement in society * extreme left: radicals call for wide-sweeping rapid change in the basic structure of the political, social, or economic system * desire no government involvement in society * desire heavy government involvement in economy * may be violent * believe that everything on Earth is equal EX: hippies, Greenpeace, PETA

Other positions Populists: Libertarians: *conservative on social but liberal on economics * more regulation of the economy and more police protection Libertarians: * liberal on social but conservative on economics * fewer taxes and free speech Other positions

Government Involvement More Some Less Radicals Liberals Moderates Conservatives Reactionaries Government Involvement More Some Less Speed of Changes in government Rapid Gradual Slow to no Change No Change Rapid return to the past Political Parties Democrats Republicans

Radicals - Liberals Moderates Conservatives - Reactionary Taxes High taxes for high level of government services. State control over economy. Mixture of both sides depending on Low taxes or large tax cuts. Reduction in government services and regulation. Education Government subsidizes public education through college level. individual conviction Government turns control to local agencies. Vouchers OK.

Radicals - Liberals Moderates Conservatives - Reactionary Defense Reduce government spending on military. Interventionist foreign policy. and political expediency Increase spending on military readiness. Reduce U.S. involvement in world conflicts. Environment Regulate business to protect natural resources. Steer away from nuclear, coal, oil Support exploration of federal land for new energy sources. Reduce government regulation

Which Party Am I??

I am a Hispanic female voter from California Democrat

I believe that government regulations hinder free market capitalism and job growth. Republican

I believe in a moratorium on deporting - or offering a pathway to citizenship to - certain undocumented immigrants. e.g. those with no criminal record, who have lived in the U.S. for 5+ years. Democrat

I believe in a universal healthcare; strong support of government involvement in healthcare, Democrat

I am pro life and against regulations on guns. Republican

I am in favor of the death penalty, strong border control, and fewer taxes on the middle class Republican