Welcome to The Winchcombe School


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to The Winchcombe School Headteacher- Mrs Hay Deputy Headteacher- Mrs Scarlett Assistant Headteachers-Mrs Betts and Mrs Quirk Team Leaders- Mrs Alston, Mrs O’Brien and Miss Brisland Foundation Coordinator- Mrs Stock

Our Success In our last inspection (September 2011) we were judged by OFSTED as a GOOD school. They said: ‘Pupils are now making rapid progress….progress for many pupils has been outstanding’ ‘Good behaviour and positive relationships foster a productive learning environment’ ‘Relationships in lessons are very good and learning occurs at a fast pace’

Our School Vision Achieve Believe Care

Our Unique School A brilliant mix... Main School – Foundation to KS2 (3-11years) Speech and Language Resource (SAL)   Language & Literacy Centre (LAL) The Phoenix Club - Our Before and After School Club

Learning At The Winchcombe We want all children at The Winchcombe to:   be happy, secure and self confident; developing positive attitudes to learning gain independence and be involved in their own assessment and management of learning be proud of their achievements, have high expectations and challenge themselves to fulfill their potential work successfully at their own level of ability; both individually and with others

Foundation Stage Teachers Mrs Maytham (F1 ) Mrs Quirk, Mrs Stock, Mrs Tang and Mrs Burton (F2)

Areas of Learning Inside and Outside Writing Role play Reading Fine motor skills Creative Understanding the world Small world Construction Listening/performing Physical Place of interest Maths Forest Adventures