Part C and 619 Involvement with Integrated Early Childhood Data


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Presentation transcript:

Part C and 619 Involvement with Integrated Early Childhood Data 2015 Leadership Conference “All In: Achieving Results Together” Part C and 619 Involvement with Integrated Early Childhood Data Panel: Gary Harmon (NC), Linda Goodman (CT), Susan Ord (UT) Moderator: Missy Cochenour (AEM)

Session Objective State representatives from Part C and Part B 619 programs will discuss: The value and benefits of linked/integrated data for Part C and 619 Understand how the critical questions that are driving their participation in data sharing activities with other early childhood programs

What is an ECIDS? Collects, integrates, maintains, stores, and reports information from early childhood programs Crosses multiple agencies within a state that serve children and families from birth to age 8 Includes data on the individual child, the child’s family, the classroom, the program/providers, and other services that provide comprehensive care and education for young children (What is an ECIDS, NCES 2014) Speaker: Missy (1 minute) Definition Benefits: Answer critical program and policy questions across agencies that CANNOT BE ANSWERED USING ONE SYSTEM that provides services to children and families within a state For example: What are the education and economic returns on early childhood investments across state programs? Are we preparing all of our children for kindergarten, as a whole and by subgroups? What characteristics of programs are associated with positive outcomes for children? Make decisions comprehensively about the allocation of resources across agencies NOT: Replacing program data systems used for operational or key instructional decisions

Funding ECIDS Speaker: Message: There are a lot of investments in EC Data as seen on this slide. Very few states are not engaging in this conversation in some way, whether it be through work with DaSy on Part C ang 619 or an entire ECIDS.

Why? Answering questions that you cannot answer in your own program data system today Can you answer the following? What is happening to your kids after they leave your program? What other programs are the children participating in that may add to their outcomes? Building relationships Do you work with other agencies serving the same children (beyond traditional case management or home visiting)?

Resources The ECIDS Toolkit The DaSy Framework

Purpose & Vision Purpose and vision statements communicate the ECIDS’s reason for being, what it aims to produce, and how it contributes to the long- term early childhood policy and program goals in the state. (ECIDS Toolkit) Panel Discussion: Why has your program decided to participate in your state ECIDS effort? What are the critical questions you are hoping to answer that you cannot answer today? What strategies did you use to decide whether to participate or not?

Data Governance Data governance is the means by which organizations (or groups of organizations) make decisions about their collective information assets. It is both an organizational process and a structure. (ECIDS Toolkit) Panel Discussion: How do you describe your role on the ECIDS Data Governance body? What strategies do you have for other states that participate as a data governance member?

Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder engagement is the process by which an organization or collection of organizations systematically involves its stakeholders in its work. (ECIDS Toolkit) Panel Discussion: What does your role as a stakeholder look like in your state ECIDS stakeholder group? How did you become a stakeholder? (were you asked or did you initiate?)

System Design System design is the creation of a technical solution that satisfies the functional requirements and aligns with the overarching purpose and vision for the system. (ECIDS Toolkit) Panel Discussion: How have you informed the design of the ECIDS? What do you think are important prerequisite(s) for other states before they engage this conversation?

Data Use Data use is the process by which people examine and make sense of data to inform decisions and actions. (ECIDS Toolkit) Panel Discussion: How does/will the ECIDS support your use of data to make informed decisions? How did you decide which data to share? How do you deal with privacy and confidentiality when sharing data?

Sustainability Sustainability is the capacity to support a system or program over time with sufficient financial and human resources to meet current and future needs. (ECIDS Toolkit) Panel Discussion: What do you see as your role in sustaining the ECIDS as it supports your program’s use? How much work is it for you now as the ECIDS is created and used?

Audience Q&A

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