¿Qué me gusta hacer? What do I like to do?


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Presentation transcript:

¿Qué me gusta hacer? What do I like to do?

¿A ti te gusta_______? Do you like________?

A mi me gusta_______. I like to_________.

A mi no me gusta_______. I do not like_______.

Me gusta Nos gusta Te gusta Os Gusta Le gusta Les gusta One person Two or more I like: (A mi) Me gusta We like: (A nosotros) Nos gusta You (informal) like (A ti) Te gusta You all (informal) like (A vosotros) Os Gusta He/ she/ you (formal) like (A (Él/ Ella/ Usted)) Le gusta They/ you all like: (A(Ellos/ Ellas/ ustedes)) Les gusta

Gusta versus Gustan Gusta will be used for One thing Activities EX: Me gusta su telefono Gustan will be used for Multiple things EX: Me gustan sus fotos

Me gusta… Escuchar (música) Hablar (por teléfono) Listen to music Talk on the phone Listen to music

Me gusta… Tocar (la guitarra) Leer (un libro) Play the guitar Read a book

Me gusta… Estudiar Dibujar Draw Study

Mirar la televisión (tele) Me gusta… Mirar la televisión (tele) Descansar Rest Watch TV

Pasar un rato con amigos Me gusta… Pasar un rato con amigos Hacer tarea Hang out with friends Do homework

Me gusta… Correr Pasear Go for a walk Run

Me gusta… Jugar al fútbol Videojuegos Montar en bicicleta Ride a bike Play soccer/ video games

Andar en patineta Me gusta… Trabajar Skate Work (Literally, travel on skates) Work

Me gusta… Preparar (la comida) Comprar Prepare the food Buy

Me gusta… Beber Comer Eat Drink

Circle activity You have all been given one activity and one picture. You should go around WITHOUT SHOWING YOUR CARD and ask others if they like your activities. Connect with the people who have cards that match either side of your card. If you did it correctly we should form a big circle!

Warm up Workbook Page 3 activity 3 While I come and check homework

I like: Me gusta We like: Nos gusta You (informal) like Te gusta He/ she/ you (formal) like Le gusta They/ you all like: Les gusta

Relay race 3 groups will race to complete the task of translating the following slide into Spanish! Once a student has translated one sentence they must move to the back of the line. Then the next student will complete a sentence and continue When your team has finished you must all sit down and give Señor dean the double thumbs up

Relay race! I like to listen to music You like to talk on the phone He likes to run She likes to rest We like to eat They like to hang out with friends We like to prepare food Do you like to skate? I do not like to study She does not like to draw They like to read You do not like to play soccer

Busca alguien que…. Find someone who… Walk around the room and ask classmates EN ESPAÑOL if they like/dislike the items on your paper. If your classmate respond EN ESPAÑOL that they agree with the like/dislike you can write their name in the square.