The EU Adaptation Strategy implementation and related activities of the European Commission Presented by Claus Kondrup, European Commission, DG Climate.


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Presentation transcript:

The EU Adaptation Strategy implementation and related activities of the European Commission Presented by Claus Kondrup, European Commission, DG Climate Action at the 10th EIONET workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation, European Environment Agency (EEA), 14-15 June 2016, Copenhagen

ESIF Climate Mainstreaming European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) comprise: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) including also the goal on European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) European Social Fund (ESF) Cohesion Fund (CF) European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) ESIF Climate mainstreaming (adaptation, mitigation) explained in series of fact sheets:

Preliminary (ongoing analysis) ESIF Climate Mainstreaming Overall, ESIF allocate as much as 25.2% of their EU support for climate action. Estimates of the contributions made towards climate change mitigation and climate change adaption shows that 42% of the support for climate action is marked towards mitigation purposes, while 15% is for adaptation. Further, 42% of the support for climate action can be categorised as being supportive for adaptation and/or mitigation. Preliminary (ongoing analysis)

Adaptation in ESIF Mainstreaming of adaptation in ESIF first and foremost contributes to a more climate-resilient Europe and contributes thereby to the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth aiming for a shift to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and climate-resilient economy. Mainstreaming of adaptation in ESIF is also a main contributor to the implementation of the objectives and actions under the EU Adaptation Strategy. The support for climate change adaptation in CF/ERDF (including ETC) is primarily Intervention Field IF087, i.e. 'Adaptation to climate change measures and prevention and management of climate related risks e.g. erosion, fires, flooding, storms and drought, including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems and infrastructures'.

Preliminary (ongoing analysis) Adaptation in ESIF Preliminary Preliminary (ongoing analysis)

Major Projects (ERDF/CF) Climate resilient infrastructure Climate change requirements part of the legal basis for major projects 2014-2020 EU Adaptation Strategy 2013: Resilient infrastructure Climate proofing policies Adapting infrastructure to climate change (SWD) Guidelines for Project Managers: Making vulnerable investments climate resilient Policy objective 2014-2020: climate mainstreaming across the board, at least 20% climate related expenditure

Vulnerability and risk assessment of major projects

LIFE 2014-2020 Adaptation priorities: Vulnerable areas indicated in the EU Adaptation Strategy: cross-border floods and coastal management, urban environment, mountain and island areas, drought-prone areas (water, desertification, fire risks) Green infrastructure and ecosystem-based approaches Vulnerability assessments and adaptation strategies, including those with a cross-border nature Urban adaptation projects are encouraged for traditional action grants (e.g. green infrastructure; innovative adaptation technologies; elaboration and implementation of (local) adaptation strategies and action plans) About € 800 million for climate action projects in 2014-2020 (an even split between mitigation and adaptation) Yearly Calls for proposals (open each Spring): Open now until September ( Natural Capital Financing Facility (NCFF, with EIB): leverages private funding for ecosystem based approaches LIFE: NCFF:

EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change Action 6. Climate proofing the Common Agricultural Policy, Cohesion Policy, and the Common Fisheries Policy Action 7. Making infrastructure more resilient Action 8. Promote products & services by insurance and finance markets Priority 3: Key vulnerable sectors Action 4. Knowledge-gap strategy Action 5. Climate-ADAPT Priority 2: Better informed decision-making Action 1. Encourage MS to adopt Adaptation Strategies and action plans Action 2. LIFE funding, including adaptation priority areas Action 3. Promoting adaptation action by cities along the Covenant of Mayors initiative Priority 1: Promoting action by Member States

Directorate-General for Climate Action ("DG CLIMA") Thank you for your attention Directorate-General for Climate Action ("DG CLIMA") Fact sheets on climate mainstreaming in ESIF: EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change: European Climate Adaptation Platform: Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy: