Safeguards and Security Working Group FY2016 EFCOG Annual Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Safeguards and Security Working Group FY2016 EFCOG Annual Meeting Amy Wilson CNS, Y12 National Security Complex Working Group Chair January 26, 2016

Safeguards & Security Working Group Leadership Team Chair: Amy Wilson Vice Chair currently vacant DOE Liaison: Marc Brooks, AU-51 EFCOG Sponsoring Directors Steve Hafner, Centerra Group Greg Meyer, Fluor Subgroups and Subgroup Chairs Maurice Hernandez: Physical Protection Wade Nelson: Information Security Mary Alice Price: MC&A

SSWG Participation Participation from all NNSA and most DOE sites Majority of business conducted via email and phone Challenges with schedules, funding and travel have hindered FY16 task completion

FY15 Key Achievements SSWG Annual Meeting at the National Training Center Over 65 attendees from 13 EFCOG member companies 6 vendors with over 30 security technology demonstrations Sandia site tours

FY15 Key Achievements (cont) Issued MC&A Best Practices on material tracking Collaborations with DOE and Policy Insider threat, HRP, UAV/UAS False/Nuisance Alarm Rates Consolidated procurement Technical Standards

FY 2016 Focus Areas Risk review Balance of efficiency and effectiveness Performance evaluation

FY16 Plan Tasks Assist in policy review and implementation of programs related to: HRP categorization, insider analysis and counterintelligence security technology infrastructure and the revised threat guidance budgets and staffing for MC&A programs, in consideration of enhanced safeguards controls Support Performance Testing Working Group session in January 2016 Conduct SSWG Annual Meeting

Issues Finding appropriate documentation vehicle for collaboration and consultant discussion tasks