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NM Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

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1 NM Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
EMERGENCY GRANT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (E-GMP) PLANNING CERTIFICATION November 21, 2017 Presented by: Duncan Sill, Grants Manager & E-GRAMP Project Manager

2 Project Planning and Release of Funds Certification Request
NM DHSEM respectfully seeks Certification and Release of Funds in the amount of $480, for the Project Planning Phase which is one-half of the full $960, appropriation for the E-GRAMP Project. NM DHSEM received its Project Initiation Certification in April, 2016. We seek your approval to proceed with this project for the Planning Phase of this project.

3 Background The New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (NM DHSEM) is the federal recipient of emergency management and public disaster grant funding and is the fiduciary agent over all federal funding passed through the agency. NM DHSEM is charged with grant oversight related to sub-recipients, as well as the federal funding expended by NMDHSEM for its own programs and operations.

4 Current Environment Currently, NM DHSEM manages and administers its emergency management grant program through processes which entails the use of Excel spreadsheets to track applicants, the project and funding from the project’s beginning to the project’s closeout. The current process is tedious, the amount of paperwork is cumbersome and is highly susceptible to error and yields itself to inadequate data and dross information.

5 Project Objectives The project objectives for NM DHSEM’s web-hosted emergency grant management software program are: To track applicants, grants, projects, funding and to have the ability to produce ad hoc as well as on-line customized reports. To increase efficiency through improved collaboration and communication requirements for both State, Local and Federal entities. To assist the agency and the applicants to monitor milestones and meet deadlines. To contract with a vendor through an RFP procurement who can meet specifications of a web-hosted software program and has the ability to monitor grants throughout the entire grant management process (application to closeout). To drastically reduce the processing time to disburse funds. To improve reporting requirements to State, Local and Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) To reduce deficiencies by reducing errors such as duplication errors, financial reporting errors, multi-users on the spreadsheet without knowing who made changes and financial statement errors through development of consistent work processes and procedures and the establishment of an audit trail of work flows.

6 Project Objectives to be Met from Vendor’s Product
The Vendor chosen provides a commercial-off-the shelf software program that provides a full-service grant management tool that captures: Grant Expense Management- to reduce the processing time to disburse funds. Document Management- to track applicants, grants, projects and funding from application to closeout. Compliance Management - software takes into consideration the FEMA 2CFR200 Requirements for compliance that will assist documentation with our audits Reports – ability to provide stakeholders information through the existing reports the software provides, as well as having the ability to create ad-hoc reports. Interface with FEMA - to improve reporting requirements, communication and the ability to provide information to State, Local and Non-Profit entities through interface. Time Tracking – to assist the agency and the applicants to monitor milestones and meet deadlines. Software Hosting - web hosted software program through Amazon Web Services.

7 Project Status We received final approval of the Evaluation Committee Report from SPD on November 1, NM DHSEM is currently in the early stages of the IT Contract Award process.

8 Project Hosting Currently in process of submitting DoIT Hosting Exception form. Hosting will be through Amazon Web Services (AWS). The hosting support includes: Monitoring of infrastructure performance Response to AWS notifications of infrastructure status changes Undertaking necessary system modifications to ensure meeting service level agreements are in place with the State of New Mexico. Continuous evaluation of quality as related to performance and security Quarterly review of disaster recovery status Annual updates of the disaster recovery plan Annual executing of full disaster recovery process using cold and remote data center

9 Independent Verification and Validation
An IV & V Contractor will be fully utilized at the end of the Planning Phase and the beginning of the Implementation Phase (tentatively, March, 2018) of the Project and will be responsible for providing IV & V services in the areas of Risk Assessment, Technical/Architecture Overview and Security and reviewing Planning documents. Currently working on a scope of work for IV & V services. Will utilize a State Price Agreement procurement for IV & V services.

10 Project Scope of Work Project Management Software Implementation
Software Hosting Training Modifications of Reports and Workflows to suit NM DHSEM Data Exchanges with existing State of New Mexico systems Contract Compliance

11 Project Budget by Fiscal Year
Description FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 & After Totals Staff – Internal $0.00 Consulting Services Inclusive in software price IndependentValidation & Verification Services I V & V Services $40,000.00 Hardware Software Licensing Price $280,775.00 Installation Cost $27,582.00 Interface Cost $33,210.00 Training $44,286.00 0.00

12 Project Budget by Fiscal Year (cont’d.)
Description FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21& After Totals Application Support & Maintenance Fees $56,155.00 $68,314.00 $68,313.00 $261,095.00 Hosting & Infrastructure Support Fees $7,200.00 $28,800.00 Hosting & Infrastructure Maintenance Fees $2,400.00 $9,600.00 Enhancement & Releases- Hourly Rate $175.00 $700.00 Contingency Add-ons $233,952.00 $0.00 $ TOTALS $725,735.00 $78,089.00 $78,088.00 $960,000.00

13 Planning Phase Project Deliverables
Major Project Deliverable & Performance Measure Due Date Project Phase Project Planning & Release of Funding with PCC November, 2017 Planning Communication Plan Draft Allocation of Resources to Project (Project Teams) Finalize Project Charter Draft Project Management Plan Project Governance Stakeholder Plan

14 Planning Phase Project Deliverables (cont’d.)
Major Project Deliverable & Performance Measure Due Date Project Phase Work Breakdown Structure November, 2017 Planning Risk Management Plan Change Management Plan Project Hosting IV & V Scope of Work Finalized & Contract Creation Contract Award Document Standard Operating Procedures

15 Planning Phase Project Deliverables (cont’d.)
Major Project Deliverable & Performance Measure Due Date Project Phase Define Technical, Functional & User Requirements November, 2017 Planning Define Roles and Responsibilities Set Schedule Budget/Cost Management Plan Operations and Support Plan Technical Architecture Project Introduction Demonstration to DHSEM January , 2018

16 Project Planning NM DHSEM has been proactive with the preparation of the following Planning documents so that once the contract is awarded, the Offeror can review the items and either make minimal changes as they see fit or accept the documents as is: Communication Plan Stakeholder Plan Project Management Plan Risk Management Plan Change Management Plan Project Governance Plan

17 Federal Funding – Disaster Management Costs
Project Funding Appropriation History (Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants) Fiscal Year Amount Funding Source FY17 $960,000.00 Federal Funding – Disaster Management Costs Disaster Nos. 1783, 1936, 4047 Federal funding is already committed to this Emergency Grant Management Software Program for 8 years; should the project exceed the 8 years, an extension of funds would be requested to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

18 Project Planning Certification Request

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