Unit 20 Integrating Skills ROOTS OF CHINESE CULTURE


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 20 Integrating Skills ROOTS OF CHINESE CULTURE By Xu Yufen No.51 Middle School, Wenzhou

《廊桥遗梦》 the Bridges of Madison County

the Terracotta Warriors and Horses

Question: Two How many Chinese cultural sites are mentioned in the passage ? 2. What are they ? Two

Jinsha Village Sanxingdui

has a history of serve as ____________ Jinsha village Site How discovered Place Time Objects found a large quantity of ______ History has a history of ______________ Area Importance serve as ____________ Sanxingdui Site farmers work in…dig up construction workers build… near Chengdu, in south- west Sichuan province Nanxing Town Spring of 1929 February 8, 2001 bronze and gold masks, bronze statues, bronze objects and images, jade, ivory, etc ivory, jade, gold, bronze, stone objects, animal bones, a gold mask, etc date back to between _________________ 5000 BC and 3000 BC 3000 years covers a vast area of __________________ 12 square kilometres important materials for the study

What’s the relationship between them? Is there any simimalarity between Sanxingdui and Jinsha according to the artefacts found there? Evidence(证据,迹象): Many of the relics found at Jinsha look very much like those at Sanxingdui. Conclusion: Ancient Shu Kingdom moved from Sanxingdui to Jinsha 3000 years ago. Jinsha therefore became the new political and cultural centre of the kingdom.

The world famous Hemudu Cultural S______ Use the language we learned in the passage to fill in the blanks: ite The world famous Hemudu Cultural S______ is located in Yuyao County of Zhejiang Province. In 1997, local people working in the fields d____up a large q ______ of pottery and jade objects. It is believed that it has a history of 7000 years. It covers a v___ area of 2800 s ____ meters. The find is of great value because it can s ______ as important materials for the study of local geography, climate and the environment. ug uantity ast quare erve

Say something about them ! Group work : Say something about them ! 在泰顺境内有许多廊桥。最著名的是位于泗溪镇的姐妹桥, 其中一座是始于清朝的北涧桥。(The Twin Bridges ; a large quantity of ; date back to ) 溪东桥――位于泗溪镇,有400多年的历史, 全长41.7米,宽4.86米。( Xidong Bridge;be located in ;     has a history of )

In Taishun, there are a large quantity of Veranda Bridges In Taishun, there are a large quantity of Veranda Bridges. The Twin Bridges are the most famous, one of which is Beijian Bridge, dating back to Qing Dynasty.

Xidong Bridge is located in Sixi Town, which has a history of more than 400 years, with the length of 41.7 meters, the width of 4.86 meters.

Quiz: Bao’s Memorial Temple 包氏宗祠 Hu’s Residence 胡氏大院 Shishui Step Stones 仕水碇步 Ancient Village in Siqian司前圆洲古村落 Baifuyan Old House in Yayang雅阳百福岩古宅 Historic Opera Stage of XuAodi in Xiaocun 筱村徐岙底古戏台 Bao’s Memorial Temple 包氏宗祠

Bao’s Memorial Temple

the first National Cultural Relics Day ? June10, 2006 ! !

Cultural Relics Work Conference 2006 The First National Cultural Relics Day

Write a report according to the instructions: Bao’s Memorial Temple Place 泗溪镇北面玉岩村 History 建于明朝,有五百多年的历史 Area 3400平方米 Importance 具有较高的价值,能作为研究、习俗和地理的重要材料。

Instructions Work in pairs, first discuss the details of the report which you will give. Some pairs will give their reports. All the other students will be the experts to ask questions or make comment and decide whether it will be included on the list of National Cultural Heritage.

Homework Write down the report and send a E-mail to UNESCO(联合国教文组织). Make a further study of the bridges and Bao’s Memorial Temple in the area.

Thank you! By Xu Yufen No.51 Middle School, Wenzhou

The gold mask found in Jinsha

The bronze mask found in Sanxingdui The gold mask found in Jinsha

(仕水碇步) Shishui Step Stones

Ancient Village in Siqian 司前圆洲古村落

Hu’s Residence (胡氏大院)