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Pre-reading Do you know something about the two pictures? Where and what are the roots of our Chinese culture?

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-reading Do you know something about the two pictures? Where and what are the roots of our Chinese culture?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-reading Do you know something about the two pictures? Where and what are the roots of our Chinese culture?

2 Fast-reading  What cultural relics sites are talked in the text?text  What objects have been dug up in the sites? Sites objects Jinsha village Sanxingdui ruins _____________ivory, jade, gold, bronze, stone objects, animal bones, a gold mask, a bronze statue of a man, etc Jade objects, bronze and gold masks, bronze objects and images, jade and ivory, etc 幻灯片 13 幻灯片 13 A large quantity 幻灯片 15 幻灯片 15

3 Careful-reading(1)  Where are the two sites located in?  When were they discovered?  Who discovered them?  What places did Sichuan have trade links with?  What do archaeologists hope to discover at the Sanxingdui site? 幻灯片 4 幻灯片 4

4 Jinsha ruins siteSanxingdui ruins site Locat -ion Time Who Links Hopes Today’s Nanxing Town Jinsha village, Chengdu, southwest Sichuan province Construction workersA farmer February 8, 2001 Spring of 1929 With Yangtze &Yellow River valleys,Yunnan & Guizhou,nortern Vietnam. Discover mysterious palaces, tombs of kings and bronze and jade workshops. link

5 What relationships do archaeologists think the two sites may have? They think that the Jinsha Ruins may have been the political and cultural centre of the ancient Shu Kingdom, which moved from Sanxingdui to Chengdu about 3,000 years ago. Careful –reading(2) How did people react to the discoveries of these two ruins sites? Local teachers and officials came to the site. The relics were owned by the farmers who discovered them. In 1953, they returned them to the state. Soon, the police arrived and closed the site. Sanxingdui: Jinsha:

6 The bronze mask found in Sanxingdui The gold mask found in Jinsha What are they? Do they have any links? Post –reading

7 Listening True or false: 1. The relics found at Jinsha are a bit alike those at Sanxingdui, so it gives archaeologists a good chance to study the Chinese culture. 2. Ivory and animal bones can serve as 幻灯片 16 materials to study climate and the environment in ancient times in Sichuan. 3. It is believed that Sichuan had trades with Japan 3000 years ago. 4. Cong, a piece of jade found at Jinsha was made in Chengdou. 5. It is said that many relics found at Jinsha date back to Between 5,000 BC and 3,000 BC. 6. The Sanxingdui Site covers so large an area that the digging work will last until 2010. 幻灯片 16 F T F F T F

8  Yan Kaizong accompanying 幻灯片 17 his grandfather gave the precious relics to the government in 1953. Is it foolish for him to do so? Why?/Why not? 幻灯片 17 Discussion  Suppose you discovered some jade or gold objects in the field, what action would you take?

9 Find the old things under the ground Stop working Protect the scene Not steal the ancient things Not destroy the scene Call the police Call the department of protection of historical relics A suggested flow chart: Investigation by detectives

10 Writing 根据下面内容写一篇 120 词左右的文章 1 话题:你班就 “ 发现文物是否得归还国 家? ” 这一主题进行讨论。 持赞成的同学认为: 1 ) 文物对中华历史、文化等的研究具有重 大价值。 2 ) 文物属于国家,私自占有是违 法行为。 … 持反对的同学认为: 1 )这些东西又不是自己偷来的,没有必要 上交。 2 ) 文物很值钱,卖了可以发 财。 … 2 请谈谈你的看法。 3 可以加以适当的发挥。

11 What cultural relics sites are mentioned in the text?

12 The site of Sanxingdui, located at Guanghan 40km from Chengdu, is recognized as the most important ancient remains of the Sichuan region for its vast 幻灯片 16 size, long lasting period and enriched cultural contents. 幻灯片 2 幻灯片 16 幻灯片 2

13 The Discovery of the Ruins in Jinsha Village

14 Relics in Sanxingdui ruins 幻灯片 2 幻灯片 2

15 Quantity 数量 A small quantity of water 少量的水 A large quantity of flowers 许多花 没有数量也就没有质量 Without quantity there can be no quality. 幻 灯片 2 幻 灯片 2

16 Serve as 作为,当作 这个房间可作书房用。 This room can serve as/for a study. 幻灯片 7 幻灯片 7 Vast ( 面积,体积,数量,程度)巨大的 A vast difference 极大的差异 他的企业规模极大。 His business empire is truly vast. 幻灯片 12 幻灯片 12

17 Accompany 陪伴,陪同 我得要求你陪我去一趟警察分局。 I must accompany me to the police station. Be accompanied with/by 在 … 陪同 下 他那次远行有妻子的陪同。 He was accompanied on the expedition by his wife. 幻灯片 8 幻灯片 8

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