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Presentation transcript:

Hook: Which do you think is correct? Augustine Greek Philosophers Something can be created out of nothing Something must be created out of something else God can do anything because he is omnipotent There is no evidence that there is a God The universe came into existence The universe has always existed I think… is right because…

What is the origin of the universe? Lo: To know what Catholics believe about the origin of the universe To understand different views on the origin of the universe. To be able to compare and contrast with what other Christians believe about this topic Success criteria: I will explain what the difference is between mythical and literal truth and can give examples to illustrate this. I can describe what is meant by the Big Bang theory and some of its ideas as well as Creationist views. I can evaluate the Catholic view on the origins of the universe and those of Creationists

Starter: What is a myth? Discuss with a partner and choose one of the following definitions: A) A lie B) Something that did not happen literally but there is a deeper truth revealed within it C) A story made up to frighten or inspire people D) When you fail to score a goal

Genesis – the first book of the Bible https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMDWWDZ8ozE

What does scripture say about the creation of the universe? Write down the story of creation from the Book of Genesis as I read it you you However – you cannot use any words. Record the story in picture form When I have completed the story, a volunteer can read it back

What does the Catholic church believe about Genesis? The creation stories are mythical (there are 2 different creation stories – lets check Genesis 2 The Garden of Eden) But the Church believes that there are still ‘truths’ that are revealed through this story. What ‘truths’ do you think these stories reveal about God? About the world? About people? - Mindmap answers about the ‘truths’

Mythical truths in Genesis God created the world and everything in it God loves his creation Man was created by God and put in charge of the world and all of its creatures and plants People are naturally curious People are naturally disobedient Our world is not perfect There is pain and suffering in our world

Origins wheel Fill your ‘wheel’ in to summarise the different perspectives the origins of the universe

What other ideas can we have about the origin of the universe?

What is meant by the Big Bang Theory What is meant by the Big Bang Theory? (not the programme with Sheldon Cooper) Watch the following film and define in as much detail as you can what the Big Bang is all about: 1. How long ago did ‘big bang’ happen? The Big bang happened… 2. What does big bang describe? The big bang describes… 3. What is the theory of multiple universes called? The theory of multiple universes is called… 4. Does this theory remind you of anything from our last lesson? This is link to… because… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV6aQbnHSRo

Origins wheel Fill your ‘wheel in to summarise the different perspectives on our origins

Who first thought up the big bang theory? http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=george+le+maitre&view=detail&mid=DD99D0C2D0B5779C96DCDD99D0C2D0B5779C96DC&FORM=VIRE Watch! So if a Catholic priest helped theorise about the Big Bang, what do you think the Catholic Church thinks about it?

The Catholic view on the origins of the universe God created the universe out of nothing (what is the key concept?) God created the universe with a single act of creation (The Big Bang) There was nothing except God before big band occurred The stories in Genesis were written to explain the nature of God; the nature of man; our responsibilities to God’s creation

Origins wheel Fill your ‘wheel in to summarise the different perspectives on our origins

Activity: If a generation is on average 70 years in length (a generation is a group of people born roughly about the same time such as in the 1980’s) and the Great Fire of London happened in the year 1666, how many generations have been born since that time up until 2016? http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=inherit+the+wind&adlt=strict%2cstrict%2cstrict%2cstrict%2cstrict%2cstrict%2cstrict%2cstrict&view=detail&mid=9BE0E78DAD31097D4E499BE0E78DAD31097D4E49&rvsmid=5BB580DFC3796B723FB15BB580DFC3796B723FB1&fsscr=0&FORM=VDMCNL

As you watch the interview, answer the questions on your worksheet Creationism “The belief or set of beliefs that the account of creation as described in the book of Genesis in the Bible is the literal truth and that other explanations which contradict this truth, whether religious or scientific are false” http://www.bbc.co.uk/education/clips/zcmgkqt As you watch the interview, answer the questions on your worksheet Video from 1:40

Origins wheel Fill your ‘wheel in to summarise the different perspectives on our origins

Homework: D Exam Question “The Creationist account of the origin of the world is the most likely to be true” Discuss this statement showing that you have thought about more than one point of view (15 marks) R: explain one religious point of view on this topic P.E.E. O: State opposite opinion A: Explain why someone might agree P.E.E. D: Explain why someone might disagree P.E.E. S: Write a summary and restate your own views on the question.

Exemplar 1: R:The Catholic Church would disagree. They believe that the creation story in Genesis explains a lot about God and tells us mythical truths. What I mean by this is… Therefore Catholics would say… O: Creationist would argue…They believe… So therefore… A: Creationists would also argue that…This is because…As a result… D: Scientists believe that the Creationist account of the origin of the world is wrong because…This means..…So therefore… S: In conclusion…

Exemplar 2: R:Creationist would argue…They believe… So therefore… O:The Catholic Church would disagree. They believe that the creation story in Genesis explains a lot about God and tells us mythical truths. What I mean by this is… Therefore Catholics would say… A:Scientists believe that the Creationist account of the origin of the world is wrong because…This means..…So therefore… D:Creationists would also argue that…This is because…As a result… S: In conclusion…

Plenary: Word Chain Start a sentence about todays lesson with one word. Next person adds another word. Try to keep the sentence going until the last person has a turn.