The Silk Road and Great Wall


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Presentation transcript:

The Silk Road and Great Wall

The Silk Road BrainPop Video: Silk Road Silk Road- A 4,000 mile trade route that linked China to the civilizations of the west India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, and Greece Considered to be the world’s first “highway” that linked the ancient civilizations

Trading The Silk Road first began around 200 BCE during the Han Dynasty China produced silk and traded for goods from different civilizations Jewelry Cotton Fruits Video: How silk is made

Cultural Diffusion Not only did people trade goods, people spread knowledge and ideas to other parts of the world Religions Buddhism Islam Innovations Math Philosophy This is the first time in history that people from different places around the world are interacting with each other What else did they trade or share?

The Great Wall of China BrainPop Video: The Great Wall of China Wandering tribes (nomads) living to the north threatened China and the Silk Road The Great Wall is a series of many walls designed to protect China and the Silk Road from the Mongols and Huns Over 3000 miles long

The Great Wall is not just one wall The Great Wall is not just one wall. It was built in many different parts over the span of 2,000 years

The Great Wall wasn’t just a wall The Great Wall wasn’t just a wall. It was a series of barriers and watchtowers The Chinese soldiers could see enemies approaching from far away and then prepare to defend the wall They could communicate with each other by using smoke signals

In the 1600s, construction of the wall stopped because there wasn’t really anybody else to keep out Today many parts of the Great Wall still stand. It is one of the most popular sites to visit in the world