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History of China.

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1 History of China

2 At the end of the dynasties two groups fought for power:
Nationalists Nationalist Leader = Chiang Kai-shek The United States supported the Nationalists Communist Communist Leader = Mao Zedong

3 Mao wanted the support of the peasants.
To increase his army’s size Mao insisted they be treated fairly They were paid for the food they supplied

4 Mao made many poor decisions that left devastating effects on the Chinese people.
Yet the Chinese people are taught that he was a hero.

5 Cultural Revolution: Mao didn’t want anyone to have more power than him. He believed everyone should work for the good of China – a classless society. Results: economy suffered, schools closed & famine. Long March: communists fled from the nationalists, 6,000 miles, lasted more than a year, many died. Mao used propaganda to make it look like he was succeeding.

6 Propaganda Spread of ideas to promote a cause or damage an opposing cause. Mao used propaganda to gain support.

7 Tiananmen Square “Beijing massacre” – 1989 students held a pro democracy rally. The government ordered the students to leave. When they refused to leave, the army opened fire, several thousand people were killed or wounded. Communist government saw it as a threat to their communist order

8 Tiananmen Square-1989

9 Tiananmen Square - Today

10 Tiananmen Square - Today

11 Great Wall of China Built using forced labor. It extends 1,500 miles from East to West. South of the wall lived the “civilized” farming people & north lived the nomadic “barbarians.” The wall did NOT prevent attacks.

12 Great Wall

13 Silk Road A passage or road that linked East Asia & the Mediterranean world. It was called the silk road because of the demand for silk in the West. Many traveled this road to purchase silk and trade other items. Also called the “Highway for Trade.”

14 Civil Service = created in China.
Jobs were gained by merit (skill or knowledge.) Totalitarian State: Government controls every aspect of citizens lives.

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