Senior English 1/9/17 In the U.S.A., who has the most influence on what our government does? How do they get that influence? What ten letter word starts.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior English 1/9/17 In the U.S.A., who has the most influence on what our government does? How do they get that influence? What ten letter word starts with g-a-s? Steatopygic – having excessively fat buttocks. Goals – Copy potential Themes for your paper. Discussion on the nature of power in government and other Part 3 topics. Homework – Vocab Final weeks 8-15 on Friday 1/20/2017. Don’t forget Quiz # 15 on Friday. automobile

Senior English 1/10/17 What does it mean to want power for power’s sake? Is this what the Party does? What is power good for, anyway, other than to gain other things such as money, control, and even more power? What kind of tree can you find in a kitchen? Pseudosmia – having a false smell perception. Goals – Continue working on article analysis to make connections and clarify your big idea about 1984. Homework – Identify and write down a quote or descriptive language for your hook. Pantry

Senior English 1/11/17 Manipulation and control sure seem to be the main concerns of the Party. How evil is that? Is the Party inherently evil for its goals, or is it the way in which it accomplishes those goals that is the problem? Where do sheep go to get a haircut? Geromorphism – looking older than one’s age. Goals – Review Toulmin and the assignment sheet.Begin work on the essay. Homework – Make sure you have a word processed hook and thesis by tomorrow. I will give points. A bah-bah shop.

Senior English 1/12/17 Consider your hook: What would be the most dramatic? What will you put in your transition? Thesis? How do you spell composition with two letters? Horripulation – shuddering sensation; as when your hair stands on end or; goose bumps. Goals - Go to the computer lab to work on papers get help with hooks and transitions. Use the assignment structure to work on body paragraphs. Homework – Finish intro paragraph and one body paragraph. Vocab. 15 tomorrow. S-A

Senior English 1/13/17 Five minutes to study for vocabulary #15. It’s time to diet if you think gravy is a beverage. Lethologica – the temporary inability to recall a word or a name. Goals –Complete Vocabulary #15. Homework – Attempt a body paragraph. Then you can come to me with questions on Tuesday. I will give points for body paragraphs on Tuesday. Review quizzes 8-15 for Final next Friday.