Aeroacoustics TC Meeting 6 January 2015, Kissimmee, FL Walt Eversman Aeroacoustics TC Chair May 1, 2013- April 30, 2015
Attendees TC Meeting January 2015 Jeff Mendoza, Lysbeth Lieber, Judy Gallman, Eric Nesbitt, Stephen Rizzzi, Krish Ahuja, Tony Pilon, Stewart Glegg, Juliet Page (for Joe Zczech), Jeffrey Peters, Srini Arunajatesan, Walt Eversman, Hafiz Atassi, Phill Morris, Dennis McLaughlin, Vladimir Golubev
Agenda Call to order Approval of AIAA TC meeting minutes (June 2014) (previously distributed) Pilon/Atassi, All approved Chair’s remarks relative to TC leadership sequence Mendoza/Glegg starting June 2015 Aviation Preview of coming events Review of SciTech 2015 (Lis Lieber) Preview of 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference at Aviation 2015 (Naval Agarwal) Status of Aeroacoustics Award Committee deliberations (Hafiz Atassi) Preview of Student Paper Competition (Srinivasan Arunajatesan and Cliff Brown) Sub-committee reports TC membership rotations on and off. TC Member Assignments Progress on the transition to the new forum/conference model Adjourn
Upcoming Events 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, June 22-26, Dallas, TX (Aviation 2015) Conference Administrative Chair: Naval Agarwal Technical Co-Chairs: Jose Alonso (AIAA) Technical Co-Chair Wolfgang Schroeder (CEAS) Aerospace Science and Technology (SciTech 2016), 4-8 January, 2016, San Diego, CA. Jeff Peters Technical Chair 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference. 2016, Lyon, France. Daniel Juve (CEAS) Administrative Chair and TBD Technical Co-Chair (CEAS), William Devenport (AIAA) Technical Co-Chair Aerospace Science and Technology (SciTech 2017), 9-13 January, 2017, Grapevine, TX. Need a Technical Chair (Gaylord)
SciTech 2015 Aeroacoustics Technical Paper Status Total Abstracts Submitted: 57 Total Abstracts Rejected: 8 Total Papers Withdrawn: 9, 10 and 1 no show Total Papers Presented: 40, 38 Topics: CAA: 7, 6 Jet Noise Measurements: 12 Jet Noise Predictions: 11, 10 Airframe Noise and Shielding: 4 General Acoustics: 6 Papers due after thanksgiving (12/1), early paper submission may have impact on withdraws Abstracts, not complete or near complete enough Deadlines, can give extensions: Lis gave 4 extensions
Aviation 2015 :Technical Co-chairs: Jose Alonso, Wolfgang Schroeder Administrative Chair: Naval Agarwal Papers submitted: 312 Papers accepted: 282 Sessions planned: 42 Number of days: 3 (7 parallel sessions - Still no confirmation from AIAA) Student papers: 27 Invited papers: 5 (including plenary session speaker) Plenary session speaker: Dr. Ed Envia, NASA Glenn Topic: Fan Broadband Noise Generation and Suppression Special sessions: BANC-III (Benchmark problems for Airframe Noise Computations) Airframe noise Panel session: Fan Broadband Noise Prediction
Venue: Lyon 30 May-1 June
Agenda (cont’d) AIAA Aeroacoustics Award Committee (Hafiz Atassi) Subcommittees’ Reports Education (Srini and Cliff Brown) – Student Paper Competition Web page (N. Murray) I can report that the website is being actively used to host the discussion board for the “Benchmarking Array Analysis Methods for Aeroacoustics" working group that is headed up by Chris Bahr. One request to pass up the chain. The TC website is still built on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007. This is quite old, and there are a number of useful features that would integrate will with mobile/social media that are available on newer versions of SharePoint Server. I would suggest that AIAA upgrade the SharePoint Server if possible to enhance the outreach opportunities for all the technical committees Walt to discuss with Jim, upgrade. Liaisons’ Reports Fluid Mechanics TC (M. Visbal) MDO TC (V. Golubev) Transformational Flight PC (Rizzi) New Business Steve Rizzi proposal for session(s) on Virtual Acoustic Simulation
AIAA Aeroacoustics Award is based on Scientific Merit and Engineering Contributions Relevance of Work to the Scope of the Award AIAA Service
Award Process 2015 Nominations: via AIAA with eligibility and nomination requirements Aeroacoustics Award Subcommittee (AAS) for the 2015 consisted of 6 members from academia, government and industry. All are AIAA members and three are former recipients of the Aeroacoustics Award. The AAS Chair has a history of evaluations and selections results for 3 years, which were made available to the AAS members to ensure consistency from year to year. For 2015, there are 8 full nominations including carryovers. Decision must be made and submitted to AIAA Director of Aeronautics by 4/1/2015. Nomination files have been reviewed by the AAS and discussed in a conference call last November. AAS has established that we have an award-worthy pool of candidates. Final decision will be made after a second conference call scheduled for mid-January. 2016 Award, given at AIAA/CEAS no Aviation participation in 2016
Student Paper Award: Process Students Register For Competition When Submitting Extended Abstracts Entrants Must Be Students As Of The Previous Year’s (2014) Aeroacoustics Conference Many Students Are Affiliated With Industry, National Labs Etc. – Open Issue Full time versus part time students, decision not to act Written Paper Submitted Approximately Two Weeks Prior To The Conference Manuscript Submission Deadline, this requirement weeds out many papers Allows For Detailed Review Of The Written Papers Prior To The Conference Greatly Reduces The Number Of Competitors Oral Presentations Review Committee Members Attend Presentations To Evaluate Review Committee Meets After All Student Presentations To Determine Overall Winner
Student Paper Award: Evaluation Aeroacoustics 2015 Statistics 27 Entrants , actual will be likely closer 5-10 Student Papers Are Scheduled On First 3 Days Of The Conference – Naval Agarwal Confirms Evaluation Of Papers: Based On Written Paper And Oral Presentation, students currently not aware of point system, should be; can we get TC members to evaluate live Need Volunteers (or we can just assign to Committee members) Written Paper Criteria (35 Points) Relevance of Topic 2 Understanding of Topic 3 Technical Content and Derivations 10 Quality & Originality of Research Grammar and Prose 8 Completeness Oral Presentation Criteria (65 Points) Clarity 10 Poise Time Quality of Charts/Presentation 20 Answers to Questions 15
Transformational Flight PC VASTCON Technical Working Group Liaison Report Transformational Flight PC VASTCON Technical Working Group Stephen A. Rizzi Aeroacoustics TC Meeting Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Transformational Flight PC The TFPC was established in 2013 to explore the potential of electric propulsion and autonomy technologies on enable new aviation missions and markets. From the charter “Serves as a focal point for creation of new, on-demand aviation capabilities that will leverage enabling technologies such as electric propulsion, highly coupled aerodynamics, autonomous control, advanced vehicle configuration, and intelligent transportation systems.” Organization: Technical Challenges Working Group Ultra-low community noise Public-Private Partnerships Working Group Prizes Working Group
3 technical sessions @ SciTech 2014 TFPC Activities 3 technical sessions @ SciTech 2014 6 technical sessions at Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference (ATIO) @ Aviation 2014 2 papers on flight vehicle acoustics Transformational Vertical Flight Concepts Workshop held in partnership with AHS Advanced Vertical Flight and AIAA V/STOL TCs (August 2014) ~ 100 participants TBD technical sessions at Aviation 2015
TFPC: Ultra-Low Community Noise Technology Challenge What are appropriate mission-dependent acoustic design criteria (and metrics to assess progress) and what technology developments are necessary to achieve them? Flight vehicles under consideration are new, and fall outside the knowledge base. Source noise is expected to differ from current fleet. New class of missions expected to expose all segments of society to aircraft noise, not just those near airports. Technology Gap 1: Acoustics Database – Vehicles and Standards Technology Gap 2: Metrics – Community Impact at Short Range Technology Gap 3: Prediction and Design Methods
HeroX prize – Sister organization to X-Prize TFPC: Prize Opportunities Involving Noise HeroX prize – Sister organization to X-Prize $2M prize is in final stages of development for announcement in the spring Prize won't have a high priority on noise but organizers are looking for simple way to enforce what 'quiet' means Proposed rules to be issued in coming days for comments Transporter prize Much more of the focus on noise. Best chance to work on metrics. Still waiting for another funder to come up with the other half of the $10M prize.
VASTCON Technical Working Group The Virtual Acoustic Simulation Technology for Community Noise (VASTCON) Technical Working Group – Established in 2012 to help advance the state of the art of virtual acoustic simulation applied to community noise problems, specifically those due to transportation and industrial noise. Focus on aircraft flyover noise Membership comprised of academic, industry and government organizations Mission is to – Share applied research supporting simulation applications, including sound synthesis and propagation, sound reproduction, and creation of virtual environments Share the results of subjective testing utilizing these applications, Seek new application areas
VASTCON TWG Membership Airbus AuSIM, Inc. DELTA Swiss Federal Labs for Material Science and Technology (Empa) Great Lakes Sound and Vibration (GLSV) Impulsonic Josephson Engineering Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NLR) NASA Langley Research Center Purdue RWTH Aachen Siemens Wyle Laboratories
VASTCON TWG Activities Bi-monthly technical interchange telecons Sponsored technical sessions 2 sessions sponsored at 2013 NOISE-CON in Denver 1 session sponsored at 2014 ASA Meeting in Indianapolis Session(s) to be sponsored at 2015 Inter-Noise Meeting in San Francisco Propose sponsoring session(s) at 2016 Aeroacoustics meeting in Lyon, France Steve to send request to William Devenport to include For more information on VASTCON, please check us out on and Please see me in you are interested in participating in this group
National Committee: Technical Activities Committee New Initiatives Subcommittee Region I DD for Technical Activities Aeroacoustics TC Transformational Flight PC Stephen A. Rizzi Aeroacoustics Branch 2 North Dryden Street NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681-2199 Telephone: (757) 864-3599 Facsimile: (757) 864-8823
Assignments Going Forward Subcommittee or Working Group Name Chair’s or Lead’s Name Email address Aeroacoustics Award Selection Committee Hafiz Atassi Aeroacousic Award Nomination Committee Phil Morris, Krish Ahuja 2014 Review Article Jeff Peters 2015 SciTech AA Technical Chair Lysbeth Lieber 2015 Aeroacoustics Conferernce Tech Co-Chairs. Naval Agarwal, Jose Alonso 2016 SciTech 2016 Aeroacoustics Conference Tech. Co-Chair William Devenport Education Srinivasan Arunajatesan (incoming) Cliff Brown(incoming) Web Master Nathan Murray
Future Assignments Responsibility as ASG Associate Technical Chair (2018) and ASG General Chair (2019) at Aviation 2018 and 2019 Responsibility as ASG Associate Technical Chair (2023) and ASG General Chair (2024) at SciTech 2023 and 2024 Jeff Mendoza becomes AA TC Chair AA TC Chair beginning May 1, 2015. Co-Chair Elect will be Stewart Glegg..
Membership (general) Total membership of the TC for the year ending April 30, 2014 is 33, which includes 2 Associate, 6 International. It continues to be the intent of the committee to limit membership to below the 50 member limit, consistent with the demographics of the field of aeroacoustics. It is intended to retain a core of productive senior members to assure continuity of the traditions and high standards that have become idrntified with the AIAA Aeroacoustics activities. We also hope to encourage multiple terms for members who are active contributors as sub-committee members and conference organizers. We see very little point in change just for the sake of change.
Committee Membership (recommendations) Tentative new members added to committee: Eric Nesbitt, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Doug Nark, NASA Langley Research Center Charles Royalty, Honeywell Amr Ali, Pratt and Whitney Daniel Edgington-Mitchell, Monash University (International Member) Rotating Off Dmitri Popamoshou (per his request) Casey Burley Lys Lieber
Reflections on Conference Model Transition Conference Formats We have been successful in getting SciTech 2015 back to a three day Aeroacoustics format.. The main issue going forward is to make this a permanent part of the SciTech template. The organizing committee for the AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference at Aviation 2015 is pressed for a three day format. This will probably not occur, however there is hope that a four day format can be negotiated. We hope to be successful and also make this a part of the Aviation Forum ftemplate. The Aeroacoustics Award Banquet is now accepted as part of the Aviation Forum template. Including the banquet in the conference fee has not been accepted by AIAA, and is not likely to be for many reasons. Wont get fee included in conference fee, mailing list (Steve R) Send out news letter or something in advance about Aeroacoustics for Aviation, possibly use web site (get the word out) We tried to retain as much as possible of the format of the AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conferences of the past. We were unable to retain our usual three plenary speakers, and now have the Aeroacoustics Lecture. We retained the student paper award within the Aeroacoustics Conference. We still have our own student paper award presentation, $500 prize split with CEAS, Walt asking for Industry support, TC to come up with the $250 (pass hat within TC) Tony to strong arm
Misc Notes: Aeroacoustic Award: Helpful to have a list of nominations to identify candidates and not duplicate efforts. Should have a photograph of old and new award winners. (Comments from Krish Ahuja) Publication: Photo for Review Article changed to F-35, other edits made without communications (automotive), Jeff Peters to get follow up from editor on why changes made, should have CEAS contributions 2015 Volunteer for Review Article, Dennis McLaughlin 2017 Tech Chair for SciTech, Tasos(?), Eric Nesbitt Volunteered at end of Meeting Nathan may get pulled off on other commitments, may need another web-master