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Presentation transcript:


TRANVERSE WAVES             Vibration of particles is perpendicular (or up and down) to the direction of a wave motion. Examples: Electromagnetic waves: microwaves, x rays, TV and radio waves, light waves.

LONGITUDINAL WAVES Vibration of particles is parallel (or back and forth) to the direction of the wave motion. Examples: sound waves

Waves describe the Earth P waves move through solids & liquids P waves move through solids & liquids S waves move through solids only!!! Are these MECHANICAL WAVES???? YES!! Seismic waves need a medium (the earth!)

WAVELENGTH  Distance between any two repeating points on a wave. Determines what notes we hear (pitch). A wave with shorter wavelength carries more energy.

Frequency ƒ Measures the number of waves that pass a point in a second. Measured in Hertz (Hz) 6

Relationship between frequency and wavelength Inverse relationship: the lower the frequency the longer the wavelength.

Speed of a sound wave v Wave speed (v) does not change with frequency or wavelength. Wave speed only changes with a medium.

Speed of a sound wave v Depends on 2 factors: 1. Density - The closer the particles are packed together, the faster the sound travels. 2. Temperature - The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules move and the more space there is between them. Sound travels slower in warm temperature than cold.  

AMPLITUDE Is how far particles move from their resting position. Is related to the loudness of the sound or the brightness of the light. Direct relationship with loudness: the higher the amplitude the louder the sound or the brighter the light.

Resonance Occurs when one object causes another to vibrate at the exact same frequency. Dramatic increase in amplitude occurs. Example: Tacoma Bridge collapse Glass that shatters when the frequency of a singer’s voice resonates with the natural frequency of the glass.

Pitch Explains whether a sound is high or low. Has a direct relationship with frequency: higher frequency increases pitch. Has an inverse relationship with wavelength: the longer the wavelength the lower the pitch.