SCT Project Management Issues Rob Cameron KIPAC, SLAC
SCT Project Office Organization As shown in the submitted MRI proposal to NSF Should add a Quality Assurance function later, during manufacture and testing
Management for CTA-US R&D It is not cost effective to implement a full project office during the SCT R&D, because of lower funding levels during the phase; so start with limited functions We should ramp up Project Management activities to be ready to support Prototype SC telescope construction Systems Engineering work can proceed in parallel to design work in the Design Phase Project Office can take on resource use and budget reporting task for smaller groups within collaboration
SCT and CTA Project Management SCT Project must maintain its own schedule Not consistent with CTA schedule and might it change But should track possible coordination of activities for resource sharing and cost savings SCT Project will have its own progress tracking and status reporting functions for the US funding agencies Try to avoid doubled reporting duties as much as possible SCT must have its own Systems Engineering support But coordinate closely with CTA Systems Engineering Look to having a common Document Control function as much as possible with CTA Project Look to having common QA and Change Control functions as much as possible with CTA Project
Near-term Project Office Tasks Several management tasks have early priority for the SCT R&D Development of WBS for CTA-US work Get agreement by all US partner institutions for specific work areas, and also re-collect resource data from each institution The degree of WBS management will be appropriate to size of groups within CTA-US Outputs generated while producing the WBS: Schedule: do more detailed task scheduling, plus identification of milestones. Also refine CTA-US schedule in comparison to overall CTA schedule. Deliverables: hardware items, documents, reports etc. Resources: Produce a Resource Allocation Matrix across WBS and groups Costs: Refine CTA-US R&D and Project cost estimates Implement a simplified resource and cost tracking process Avoid full Earned Value Management system in R&D phase because of reduced funding levels Implement status/progress reporting for the funding agencies
Project Management Infrastructure Needs Resource and cost tracking and reporting system Will be needed in Design Phase Will work with agencies to establish needed level of detail A Document Database and Document Control System Look to CTA Project for common use if possible Initially need to draft a Document Tree for the SCT Project Define required documents such as Specifications, Interface Control Documents etc for systems and sub-systems. Look at commonality and consistency of defined documents with CTA Project. Later: Change Control process To be in place at the time of the final design of the prototype
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Project Office Roles and Responsibilities Project Scientist/Deputy Project Scientist Project Manager Systems Engineer IT Manager Administrative Support