We will identify the civilization characteristics of Ancient China.


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Presentation transcript:

We will identify the civilization characteristics of Ancient China.

4 Early River Civilizations 16ABC

13 14 Social Structure Pyramid Topic: Early Civilizations EQ: What were the accomplishments of Ancient China? 13 14 Social Structure Pyramid Huang He (Yellow River) - China’s first civilizations Flooding = fertile soil Government Dynasty = ruling family Shang Dynasty (2000 BC) Division of class Importance of family Shang Kings = military leaders and priests Offered sacrifices to their royal ancestors Achievements Bronze work Weapons Silk from silkworm Coined money Ironworks Great Wall of China Characters = system of writing Each character represents an idea Still used today Ancient China Record Keeping Government, Religion, Economics Complex Institutions Specialized Workers Cities Advanced Technology

Ancient China Huang He (Yellow River) = China’s first civilization Flooding = fertile soil 1A 2A 16A

Agriculture Grew millet (a type of grain), soybeans Raised chicken, dogs and pigs

Government Dynasty = ruling family Shang Dynasty (2000 BC) Division of class Importance of family Shang Kings = military leaders and high priests Offered sacrifices to their royal ancestors 2AB 16B

Achievements Bronze work Weapons silk from silkworm Coined money Ironworks Great Wall of China Characters= system of writings Each character represents an idea Still used today 2AB 27A

Huang He River Government The Shang became the first ruling family or dynasty along the Huang He River. The Shang gained control of large areas and built China’s first cities. The Shang kings and nobles were military leaders. They were also high priests who offered sacrifices to their royal ancestors.

Huang He River Achievements The people along the Huang He River were skilled in use of bronze to make weapons and ceremonial vessels. They also were the first to make silk textiles from silkworm cocoons.

Huang He River Achievements A system of writing with pictographs known as characters was developed. Each character represented one word. This system is still in use today.

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Summary The Neolithic Revolution changed man from a hunter-gatherer to a food producer. The development of agriculture allowed various civilizations, with similar traits, to grow along river valleys. These civilization all had a government form, religious beliefs, created a form of writing, used technology, and developed trade.