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Presentation transcript:

All past paper questions Catholic Ethics All past paper questions

2 Marks One of the Ten Commandments tells children to honour (respect) their father and mother. Give two ways in which children might do this. Explain briefly how Roman Catholics may support either CAFOD or Trocaire Give two examples, other than caring for the sick, of the work done by members of apostolic orders. Explain briefly one role of the priest at a Roman Catholic wedding service Explain briefly what is meant by the term in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Explain briefly what is meant by the term prejudice. Give two ways in which CAFOD or Trocaire help the poor. Explain briefly what ‘do not commit adultery’ means Explain briefly how the Roman Catholic Church gives support to those who are dying. Give two reasons why some countries suffer from extreme poverty. Why is the Sacrament of Reconciliation important for Roman Catholics? What can Christians learn about reconciliation from the Parable of the Forgiving Father (Prodigal / Lost Son)? Explain one situation in which some Christians might support the use of the death penalty (capital punishment). Give two of the Ten Commandments which refer to family relationships. Give two of the Ten Commandments which refer to respecting others

3 Mark explain Explain some of the responsibilities Roman Catholic parents have towards their children. Explain the meaning of the following Beatitude: ‘Blessed (happy) are the peacemakers, for they will be called children (sons) of God.’ Explain why the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is important to Roman Catholics. Explain, using an example, what is meant by ‘Christian Vocation’. Explain what Christians can learn from the Parable of the Talents. Do not retell the parable. Explain why the Roman Catholic Church believes that marriage is important Explain why people may wish to adopt or foster children. Explain why the Roman Catholic Church teaches that gender prejudice is wrong. Explain what the Roman Catholic Church teaches about the ideal of marriage. Explain why the Roman Catholic Church might annul a marriage. Explain briefly why many Christians believe that nuclear war is wrong Explain briefly why some Christians are pacifists. Give three different ways in which a priest serves his community. Explain briefly the meaning of the vow of poverty taken by members of religious orders

3 Mark opinion ‘The Commandment ‘Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy’ is not important for Roman Catholics today.’ ‘All Christians have a duty to care for the sick.’ ‘The Roman Catholic Church is wrong to stop women becoming priests.’ ‘The Roman Catholic Church is right to oppose IVF treatments.’ ‘Christians should support Fairtrade.’ ‘Christians must do more to help people in poor countries.’ ‘Roman Catholic priests should be allowed to marry.’ ‘The Roman Catholic Church should allow women to be ordained.’

4 Mark Describe some of the differences between Economically Developed Countries (rich countries) and Less Economically Developed Countries (poor countries) Describe the work of a priest in his parish. Explain why the Roman Catholic Church does not allow priests to get married. Explain why many countries are poor Explain the harm that can follow if people commit adultery. Describe death rites in the Roman Catholic tradition. Describe how either CAFOD or Trocaire uses long term aid to help people in Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs). Explain why Roman Catholics support adoption and fostering. Explain why Roman Catholic teaching opposes the use of in vitro fertilisation (IVF).

6 Mark outline/explain Describe what happens during the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Explain the importance of the marriage vows made by Roman Catholics Explain what Christians learn from the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Do not retell the parable. Give an account of the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. Give an account of the Parable of the Forgiving Father (the Lost Son). Describe how lay people (the laity) can be active members of the Church. Explain why some Christians are willing to fight in wars. Explain why people in religious orders take the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Explain conditions necessary for a ‘Just War’ Explain the meaning and importance of marriage in the Roman Catholic Church. Explain how either CAFOD or Trocaire helps people in poor countries. Explain the arguments for and against euthanasia. Explain Christian views about the following two aims of punishment: Explain the meaning of the Commandments: deterrence and reform. ‘You shall not steal’ and ‘Honour your father and mother’.

6 Mark evaluate ‘The Roman Catholic Church should allow divorce.’ ‘The Sacrament of Reconciliation is no longer important for Roman Catholics.’ Forgiveness is more important than punishment.’ ‘It is too difficult for Christians to forgive everyone.’ ‘It is very difficult to be a follower of Jesus today.’ ‘No country should have nuclear weapons.’ Vows taken before God must never be broken.’ ‘The most important aim of punishment is retribution.’ ‘Life is worse for everyone when people do not follow the Ten Commandments.’ ‘Helping the poor is the most important way Christians serve God.’ ‘There is no such thing as life after death.’ ‘Any type of contraception should be allowed in a Christian marriage.’ ‘Abortion is always wrong’ ‘Roman Catholic priests should not marry.’ ‘Helping the poor is the most important part of being a Christian.’ ‘Christians should be pacifists.’ ‘Christians cannot do anything about the causes of hunger and poverty in the world.’ ‘Forgiveness is more important than punishment.’ ‘Murderers deserve the death penalty (capital punishment).’ The ‘Just War’ theory can never be applied to wars in the modern world.’ ‘It is not difficult for Christians today to follow Jesus’ teaching about being humble and merciful.’ ‘There is no difference between divorce and annulment.’ ‘Roman Catholic teaching on sexual relationships today is more important than ever.’ ‘Sex outside marriage is always wrong.’ ‘Euthanasia should be allowed for people who want to die.’ Abortion is the greatest evil.’ ‘Christians should treat everyone the same.’ ‘Christians are right to believe in life after death.’