Brand Intelligence   “We liked the existing investigative services, but we prefer having our own (intelligence) capability.” Introduction Our clients.


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Presentation transcript:

  Brand Intelligence   “We liked the existing investigative services, but we prefer having our own (intelligence) capability.” Introduction Our clients benefit from our very own in-house intelligence capability/agency. We have a team of highly capable experts with years of relevant experience that can be deployed to provide our clients with a smart advantage. We operate from the depths of the dark web to the streets of the UK and beyond.   The starting point will often be to use the most proficient cyber crime experts to establish an overview of the issue at hand, and then covertly engage with the targets to gather real world hard evidence to be put before international law enforcement bodies and the courts. These skills can also be put to good use as part of our brand licensing audit services. We know the best form of defence is disruption, we encourage the villains/rogues to chose alternative brands to trample on.

Capability / Services Trade Mark Use Investigation   Brand Intelligence Capability / Services   Trade Mark Use Investigation Domain Name Investigation Dark Web Investigation Anti-counterfeiting Test Purchase Investigation Law Enforcement Liaison Digital Forensics Surveillance Covert Acquisitions / Cancellation Actions Employee Integrity Testing Logistics / Supply Chain Audit

  Brand Intelligence Due to the nature of our work and the type unsavory individuals that we deal with, the identity of the team remains confidential. However, we can share their combined experience and skills. The Team Experience / People Skills Surveillance Officer Covert human intelligence source handler Digital Forensic Officer Intelligence Officer Surveillance Criminal Investigation Detective Technical surveillance Developers Criminal case preparation Armed / Motorcycle Surveillance Law enforcement liaison Firearms / Close Protection Intelligence strategy Commercial Market Researcher Online investigation Cybercrime private defence expert witness Client supply chain audit Training Supply chain logistics and sea freight expert

  Brand Intelligence About Us Stobbs Brand Intelligence was created in 2014 and has worked exclusively for Stobbs' clients since inception. The business has a small number of experienced ex-law enforcement professionals that provide the investigations. This team provide a variety of skills ranging from digital forensics, covert surveillance, human source handling, integrity testing, logistics and technical surveillance. Increasingly, the online environment will play a part an all types of IP Crime. The team use a variety of software tools to trace online activity and provide useful insights into all sorts of harmful activity. All work is conducted to the evidential standard required by UK/International law enforcement. Where necessary, they will instruct a growing network of local international investigators to conduct activities on the ground in countries such as China, Russia and Turkey Stobbs Brand Intelligence are best suited to investigations that involve criminal activity and prosecutions/intervention. Their skills also mean that they are very good at conducting standard trade mark use investigations.