Fully Alive: Renewed Changes and New Features. Student Edition, Grades 1 & 2 Replacement of consumables Addition of new pages to enrich and deepen the.


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Presentation transcript:

Fully Alive: Renewed Changes and New Features

Student Edition, Grades 1 & 2 Replacement of consumables Addition of new pages to enrich and deepen the topic New art and photos Text added to several of the picture stories

Student Edition: Replacement of consumables (1) Original Page, Grade 1 New Page, Grade 1

Student Edition : Replacement of consumables... (2) Original “likes and dislikes” consumable pages

Student Edition:... new pages — a story about Teresa

Student Edition : Addition of pages to enrich and deepen Original page, new art Additional page and art

Student Edition : Original Dominic and Sara...

Student Edition :... now Dominic and Sara with new art

Student Edition : Text added to picture stories Original “Joey’s New Baby”

Student Edition :Text added to picture stories — Revised “Joey’s new baby” Revised “Joey’s New Baby”

Teacher Guide: Grades 1 & 2 Reorganized theme openers for greater clarity Topic development — revisions and additions Optional assessment component

Teacher Guide : Reorganized theme openers (1) Now organized in three sections: About Theme One — The first section provides a rational for the theme within the context of the program, and in its application to the students at their stage of development.

Teacher Guide : Reorganized theme openers (2) Overview of Topics — Topic 1: Each One is Special — Theme One begins with an affirmation of the marvel of God’s creation and love of each person. The focus in Topic 1 is on the uniqueness of each person as part of God’s plan of creation. Topic 2: We Are Growing — Growth and development are a significant part of life for children, and it is this aspect of human live that is the focus of Topic 2. The children are encouraged to understand development as a shared, yet unique, experience.

Teacher Guide : Reorganized theme openers (3) A Closing Note — The final section is a more direct and personal communication to teachers — the importance of their role, their influence, and the difference they can make in children’s lives.

Teacher Guide — Topic Development: Revisions and Additions Title √ Quotation for teacher √ Student page images √ Expectations  Note to the Teacher Important Words Material/Preparation Program Resources Assessment Curriculum Connections 3-part Lesson Plan and We Explore

Teacher Guide — Topic Development: Expectations Original: Objectives recognize that our bodies are gifts from God. be encouraged to develop and attitude of appreciation and respect for the body. New: Expectations describe some of the ways they can show respect and care for their bodies. recognize that our bodies are gifts from God.

Teacher Guide — Topic Development: Revisions and Additions Title √ Quotation for teacher √ Student book pages √ Expectations√ Note to the Teacher  Important Words Material/Preparation Program Resources Assessment Curriculum Connections 3-part Lesson Plan and We Explore

Teacher Guide — Topic Development: Note to the Teacher The revised Note to the Teacher is very similar in content: It introduces the topic and any relevant information about the children’s development. The main changes are the highlighting of important information, cautions regarding sensitive material, and answers to sensitive questions children ask.

Note to the Teacher: Example of highlighted caution Caution: Since the focus of the lesson is on physical appearance, you will need to be sensitive to any children in the group who have an obvious physical difference (for example, a specific handicap, an unusual physical characteristic). Encourage the class to appreciate that, above all, we are wonderful because God made us and loves each one of us. Here is an example from the “Note to the Teacher,” Grade 1, Theme One, Topic 3; “This is Me.”

Teacher Guide — Topic Development: Revisions and Additions Title √ Quotation for teacher √ Student book pages √ Expectations√ Note to the Teacher √ Important Words  Material/Preparation  Program Resources Assessment Curriculum Connections 3-part Lesson Plan and We Explore

Topic Development: Important Words, Materials/Preparation — examples Important Words male, female Materials/Preparation Send the Theme Two family letter home with the children. Several days before this topic is presented, give the children copies of BLM #5, Meet My Family. They could complete it at school, or take it home and do it with the help of their families.

Teacher Guide — Topic Development: Revisions and Additions Material/Preparation √ Program Resources  Assessment  Curriculum Connections 3-part Lesson Plan and We Explore Title √ Quotation for teacher √ Student book pages √ Expectations√ Note to the Teacher √ Important Words √

Topic Development: Program Resources, Assessment — examples Program Resources We Depend on Our Families (Big Book, p. 22) Student Book, pages Family Connections (We Depend on Our Families) BLM #12 — I Can Count on You Assessment For assessment suggestions for Theme Four, see Appendix A, pages 180, 183,

Teacher Guide — Topic Development: Revisions and Additions Material/Preparation √ Program Resources √ Assessment √ Curriculum Connections  3-part Lesson Plan and We Explore Title √ Quotation for teacher √ Student book pages √ Expectations√ Note to the Teacher √ Important Words √

Topic Development: Curriculum Connections — examples (1) Within the main lesson: Curriculum Connections The activity of measuring and recording height in We Respond offers a connection to the Mathematics program (Mathematics, Measurement)

Topic Development: Curriculum Connections — examples (2) Within an optional activity (We Explore): Local work — Brainstorm with the children the different kinds of work that are done in the local community, and have them create a list of these occupations on one side of a class chart. Ask them to explain how each of these occupations meets our needs, and record this information on the other side of the chart. (Shopkeepers sell things we need; police help keep us safe, garbage workers help keep our community clean.) (Curriculum Connection: Social Studies, Canada and World Connections, The Local Community, see Appendix B, page 198.)

Teacher Guide — Topic Development: Revisions and Additions Title √ Quotation for teacher √ Student book pages √ Expectations√ Note to the Teacher √ Important Words √ Material/Preparation √ Program Resources √ Assessment reminder √ Curriculum Connections √ 3-part Lesson Plan and We Explore 

Topic Development: 3-Part Lesson Plan — We Experience, We Discover, We Respond The organization of the 3-part lesson plan remains the same, but other changes have been made: Many of the activities have been updated and improved. There is a greater emphasis on critical thinking. The key concepts in each topic are highlighted for the teacher, almost always in the We Discover section of the lesson; these key concepts are closely tied to the expectations.

Topic Development: 3-Part Lesson Plan Key Concepts in We Discover — example As you explore feelings with the children, draw out the significant points and record them on a chart. Use their contributions (rewording and summarizing as necessary), and encourage them to expand on their ideas to get at any important points that did not emerge in the discussion. We all have feelings. Feelings help us understand each other. It’s good to share our feelings with other people. We are in charge of our feelings. We can choose how to show them. When the chart is complete, read it with the children and invite their comments. Is there anything that should be added? Removed? Ask the children to suggest a title for the chart.

Topic Development: We Explore — optional activities The optional We Explore activities offer a variety of Curriculum Connections including: Mathematics (Data Management and Probability; Measurement) The Arts (Visual, Music, Drama and Dance) Health and Physical Education (Healthy Living, Fundamental Movement Skills) Social Studies (Heritage and Citizenship) Religion A Catholic Education Approach to HIV

Teacher Guide: Optional Assessment Component Two strategies for evaluation have been included in the revised edition of Fully Alive: Sample student demonstrations related to key learning expectations for the five themes. These demonstrations are drawn from the core learning activities in the various topics. A culminating projects for each of the five themes with accompanying rubrics.

Optional Assessment Component: Sample Student Demonstrations Key Expectations recognize the uniqueness of each person’s family (Topic 1) Sample Demonstrations/ Activities a drawing and written description of their families (BLM #5) contribution to class discussion of the unique characteristics of their family written descriptors of some of the unique characteristics of their families (BLM #6)

Optional Assessment Component: Culminating Projects Theme Two: Living in Relationship Family and Friends The children will produce a booklet or poster about special people in their lives. This project is to include: an illustration or photo of a special person in their family and a description of what makes this person special a sign of love they receive from this person and an illustration of this sign a description of a time when this person helped them when they were upset or unhappy. an illustration or photo of a special friend, with three words that describe this friend, and an explanation of why this person is a good friend.

Optional Assessment Component: Culminating Projects (2) Assessment Rubric Theme Two Project: Family and Friends Categories: Knowledge and Understanding: concepts Thinking: planning skills, processing skills, creative processes Communication: expression of ideas and organization of information Application: of knowledge and skills in familiar contexts

Resources for Families Letters Family Connections sheets Fully Alive Online Family Resource

Resources for Families: Letters An introductory program letter with general information Letters for each theme with a summary of main content and suggestions for home involvement

Resources for Families: Family Connections sheets These sheets include the key concepts from the topics. They are written in the form of a letter from the child, telling the family what the class has been learning. It is not expected that teachers will send all of them home, but will pick and choose among them. The introduction to the program offers several suggestions for use of these Family Connections sheets (or the key concept charts created during the lessons) in the classroom.

Resources for Families: Fully Alive Online Family Resource This Online Resource for Grades 1 and 2 will be on the OCCB website by September, It includes: general information about the program, its history, approach and themes an introduction and user’s guide to the Online Resource summaries, main ideas, and suggestions for family participation from each topic stories and poems from each theme prayers from the program for each grade

We are God’s Children. We are fully alive!