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Start Smart Stay Safe.

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1 Start Smart Stay Safe

2 Foundations of S4 Introduction of Cornerstones and Resilience Statements (Levels 2 – 4)

3 S4 Cornerstones Please note that the Cornerstones have been directly built into the 4 Kindergarten themes (introduced one at a time) and therefore the Kindergarten teacher will not use the activities suggested in this PowerPoint. The Cornerstone have been based on research surrounding “The Circle of Courage”. For further information about the Circle of Courage please see the following website: The 4 Cornerstones are the foundation of the lessons for the students and their families. Each of the Cornerstones focuses upon developing the student’s understanding of their personal strengths; as well as understanding that everyone in their community has individual strengths. Developing skills/strengths in each of these 4 Cornerstones helps to keep one’s life in balance and leads towards resilience (success).

4 Introduce the S4 Cornerstones to Your Students
There are 2 ways that you may choose as a form of introduction Option#1 If you are a “Circle of Courage” school, display the “Circle of Courage” beside the S4 Cornerstones and compare the quadrants. “Belonging” matches “Significance”, ”Independence” matches ”Self-Awareness”, “Mastery” matches “Success”, and “Generosity” matches “Service”. If you are using Option #1, once the students understand that the S4 Cornerstones match the 4 Spirits of the Circle of Courage. At this time you may wish to explore further with your students each of the 4 Cornerstones separately. This may begin as a whole class discussion regarding the names of each Cornerstone and having your students define their understanding. Continue the discussion regarding the statements found on each of the Cornerstones. Ask your students to give real life examples which will demonstrate their understanding of the Cornerstone statements. Once your students have identified their positive personal statements, then ask the students to create a final product identifying how their personal strengths relate to each of the 4 Cornerstones. This may be a poster such as the exemplar on slide 5, or your students may wish to create a different final product. For example, students may create 3D sculptures or a digital representation of their understandings etc. It is very important to remember that as a whole class, you will revisit the Cornerstones many times throughout the school year. (For example it is recommended to revisit the Cornerstones when you begin a new S4 theme or at the end of each reporting period.) Students need to understand that they will continue to develop new strengths/skills as the year progresses and it will be important for them to identify how their new strengths support the 4 Cornerstones.

5 Option #2 Introduce each of the four cornerstones individually with your students. Begin as a whole class discussion regarding the names/statements found in of each Cornerstone. Once students are familiar with the 4 Cornerstones ask them to create positive statements about themselves that relate to the key message of the cornerstones. Once the students have recorded all of their positive statements, then ask them to create a poster with their picture in the center. Please see the example below. Success I am a good friend. I am a good reader. I am good at scoring goals in hockey. Significance I belong to my family. I belong to my school. I belong to Boys and Girls Club. SS. You may wish to enrich the class discussion by asking your students to give real life examples which will demonstrate their understanding of the Cornerstone names/statements. When the students are ready, they will create final product identifying how their personal strengths relate to each of the 4 Cornerstones. Your students may wish to create a different final product other than a poster. For example, students may create 3D sculptures or a digital representation of their understandings etc. It is very important to remember that as a whole class, you will revisit the Cornerstones many times throughout the school year. (For example it is recommended to revisit the Cornerstones when you begin a new S4 theme or at the end of each reporting period.) Students need to understand that they will continue to develop new strengths/skills as the year progresses and it will be important for them to identify how their new strengths support the 4 Cornerstones. CCSD- The Cornerstones supports the understanding that we are all God’s children. We have all been given unique strengths and talents to do His Will. We must all be called to be Shepherd Leaders to help build an inclusive resilient community. Service I can help my friend with math. I can help mom make dinner. I can help pick up garbage on the playground. Self-Awareness I can choose to smile. I can choose to take a break. I can choose to do what I think is right.

6 “Me + Help = Bounce” Help students to understand resilience (Me + Help + Bounce) Look at each Cornerstone to help develop resilience statements. ME = Personal strengths, attitudes, and talents. I am kind. I am a good friend. I am organized. HELP = Relationships and resources My dad can help me. A police officer can help me I can use my words to help me. BOUNCE = I am able to meet challenges I can overcome challenges. For Additional Support – Please see Getting Started>Teachers>Me+Help=Bounce (Resilience Statements for Your Students) Notebook file and the document Getting Started>Teachers>Understanding Me+Help=Bounce. Understanding the connection between their personal strengths and how internal and external protective factors support resilience will help students begin to work toward answering the question, “How do we work together to keep our community safe?” Students will come to understand how their personal strengths (Me), supported by the relationships and resources (Help) available to them at home, at school, and in the community work together to build their own resilience and in turn the resilience of their community (Bounce). Students will come to understand that there are both internal protective factors (Me) and external protective factors (Help) that help them to meet their needs and are available for them to draw upon when challenges arise. When students understand how their internal strengths and external supports work together to build their capacity, they will then become optimistic and see possibilities/ways to “Bounce Back” (I Can…) and “Grow” as they navigate through challenges in their daily lives. The Me + Help =Bounce statement will help students understand a simplified version of what resilience is and how they can develop their skills/strengths.

7 Start Smart Stay Safe is “A Way” of teaching which provides rich resources for teachers (the designers of learning) so that they can intentionally prepare students for their complex, ever changing world! S4 is a ‘way’ of teaching and learning that connects the key messaging and skills of resilience to your students, their needs, your classroom programs and the building of your school community. CCSD- S4 Cornerstones support our Catholic community of Caring initiatives and the 5 values of Faith, Family, Trust, Respect, and Responsibility.

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