Just getting braces and have no idea what to expect? Had braces for a while but wonder what's going on in there? Whatever your situation is, you're not.


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Presentation transcript:

Just getting braces and have no idea what to expect? Had braces for a while but wonder what's going on in there? Whatever your situation is, you're not alone: millions of teens have braces. Braces are a totally normal and practically expected part of puberty (and many adults get braces, too). WHY DO PEOPLE NEED BRACES? To better understand why braces and other orthodontic devices are needed, it helps to talk a bit about the teeth first. You probably don't remember your very first set of tiny teeth, but you had 20 of them when you were young. (The first ones probably came in when you were about 6 months old, and you most likely had all of them by the time you reached age 3.)teeth As you made your way through childhood, these teeth fell out one by one, to be replaced by permanent, adult teeth. If you're 14 or older, it's pretty likely that you have 28 of your permanent teeth in place; four more will grow in as you get a little older to create a complete set of 32 teeth. These last four teeth are commonly known as "wisdom teeth.“ Clear braces can be attached to the outside surfaces of the teeth, as can ceramic ones that are the same color as teeth. Some patients can get newer "mini-braces," which are much smaller, or "invisible braces," which are affixed to the inside surfaces of the teeth. Once the orthodontist puts on the braces, they will usually remain on the patient's teeth for anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. In some cases, the braces may need to remain on for more than 2 years. After the amount of time needed for correction has been established for the patient, the orthodontist must work on the other part of the treatment: making sure the braces exert steady pressure. To achieve this, the patient must come for regular visits, usually once a month or so. During the visits, the orthodontist attaches wires, springs, or rubber bands to the braces in order to create more tension and pressure on the teeth. Sometimes the rubber bands will connect certain teeth to one another to create a kind of opposing tension. With some teens, the orthodontist may decide that extra tension is needed outside the mouth - when braces alone aren't enough to straighten the teeth or shift the jaw. In cases like these, a patient may need to wear head or neck gear with wires that attach inside the mouth and elastic that attaches the gear to the head. Many times, a patient will only need to wear this type of gear at night or in the evening, when he or she is at home. It may take a while, but with the right combination and timing of wires, springs, rubber bands, and sometimes head gear, the teeth will slowly but surely move into their correct positions. During this period of time, it can help to know that you're not alone when you go for your adjustments - but that won't necessarily make you feel any better if your teeth hurt! Some of the adjustments can make your mouth feel a bit sore or uncomfortable because the tension tends to make itself felt in more places than your teeth. Most of the time, taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve the pain. If you always have a lot of pain after your braces are adjusted, talk to your orthodontist about it; he or she may able to make the adjustments a bit differently.

As you made your way through childhood, these teeth fell out one by one, to be replaced by permanent, adult teeth. If you're 14 or older, it's pretty likely that you have 28 of your permanent teeth in place; four more will grow in as you get a little older to create a complete set of 32 teeth. These last four teeth are commonly known as "wisdom teeth.“ Some teeth may grow in crooked or overlapping. In other people, some teeth may grow in rotated or twisted. Some people's mouths are too small, and this crowds the teeth and causes them to shift into crooked positions. And in some cases, a person's upper jaw and lower jaw aren't the same size. When the lower half of the jaw is too small, it makes the upper jaw hang over when the jaw is shut, resulting in a condition called an overbite. When the opposite happens (the lower half of the jaw is larger than the upper half), it's called an underbite. All of these different types of disorders go by one medical name: malocclusion. This word comes from Latin and means "bad bite." In most cases, a "bad bite" isn't anyone's fault; crooked teeth, overbites, and underbites are often inherited traits, just like brown eyes or big feet are inherited traits.inherited traits In some cases, things like dental disease, early loss of baby or adult teeth, some types of medical problems, an accident, or a habit like prolonged thumb sucking can cause the disorders. Malocclusion can be a problem because it interferes with proper chewing - crooked teeth that aren't aligned properly don't work as well as straight ones. Because chewing is the first part of eating and digestion, it's important that teeth can do the job. Teeth that aren't aligned correctly can also be harder to brush and keep clean, which can lead to tooth decay and cavities. And finally, many people who have crooked teeth may feel self-conscious about how they look; braces can help them feel better about their smile and whole face.self-conscious If a dentist suspects that a kid or teen needs braces or other corrective devices, he or she will refer the patient to an orthodontist. Orthodontists are dentists who have special training in the diagnosis and treatment of misaligned teeth and jaws. Most regular dentists can tell if teeth will be misaligned once a patient's adult teeth begin to come in - sometimes as early as age 6 or 7 – and in many cases, the patient won't be referred to an orthodontist until he or she is closer to the teen years. DIAGNOSIS First the orthodontist will need to reach a diagnosis before deciding on treatment. Reaching the diagnosis means making use of several different tools, including X-rays, photographs, and impressions. The X-rays give the orthodontist a good idea of where the teeth are positioned and if any more teeth have yet to come through the gums. Special X-rays that are taken from 360 degrees around the head may also be ordered; this type of X-ray shows the relationships of the teeth to the jaws and the jaws to the head. The orthodontist may also take regular photographs of the patient's face to help him or her understand these relationships better. And finally, the orthodontist may need an impression made of the patient's teeth. This is done by having the patient bite down on a mushy material that is used later to form an exact copy of the teeth. TREATMENT Once a diagnosis is made, the orthodontist can then decide on the right kind of treatment. In some cases, a removable retainer will be all that's necessary. In other rare cases (especially when there is an extreme overbite or underbite), an operation will be necessary. But in most cases, the answer is braces. Braces straighten teeth because they do two very important things: stay in place for an extended amount of time, and exert steady pressure. It's this combination that allows braces to successfully change the arrangement of teeth in a patient's mouth, periodically adjusted by the orthodontist. An orthodontist can outfit patients with a few different kinds of braces. Some braces are made of a lightweight metal and go around each tooth, while other metal ones are attached to the outside surfaces of the teeth with special glue.