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A PATIENT ’ S GUIDE TO CARING FOR BRACES. Whether you’re excited about getting braces, think it’s kind of cool or are dreading the process altogether,

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Presentation on theme: "A PATIENT ’ S GUIDE TO CARING FOR BRACES. Whether you’re excited about getting braces, think it’s kind of cool or are dreading the process altogether,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Whether you’re excited about getting braces, think it’s kind of cool or are dreading the process altogether, it’s important that you care for your braces properly once they are in your mouth. Introduction cont…

3 Getting braces is an orthodontic procedure that many people have to help them straighten out their smile or fill in unwanted spaces. Most patients are somewhere in the teen years when they first get orthodontic braces put in, but seeing adults with braces isn’t too uncommon. Follow this guide to keep your braces clean and your teeth healthy.

4 Flossing and Brushing Just because you have braces doesn’t mean you don’t have to brush and floss. In fact, they may be even more important. Here are some tips for flossing:  Slide the floss into the space between the upper part of your tooth and the main arch wire of the braces.  Use a light sawing motion to scrape the floss across each side of the two teeth it is between.  Continue like this until you’ve run the floss over each tooth.  Be gentle when maneuvering the floss through and around the arch wire.

5 Flossing and Brushing cont… For brushing:  Use a regular soft-bristled toothbrush.  Brush with strokes going up from the bottom and then down from the top on each tooth that has braces.  Use a specialized brush designed for orthodontic braces and clean between braces. Use several strokes in each direction until the space between the braces seems clean.

6 Inspect Afterwards After you have finished your flossing and brushing routine, take the time to inspect your work. It may seem time consuming, but the last thing you want is food to get lodged between braces or under wires and end up causing you problems. Take a look at both the upper and lower teeth, and redo any parts that you’ve missed.

7 Modify Your Diet Most orthodontic braces consist of wires and bands, and if you continue to eat certain foods once they’re in you risk breaking or damaging the braces. Avoid hard foods like hard candies, cookies or nuts and try chopping harder produce like apples and carrots into smaller pieces. Stay away from sticky foods like toffee and caramel and stop chewing gum while you have braces. With other foods, just use your discretion and err on the side of caution if you’re unsure.

8 Playing Sports For athletes and sports lovers, it would be cruel and unusual punishment to say you had to refrain from sports if you have braces. Luckily, you can keep playing all your sports while the braces are in, just use caution where necessary. If you play a sport where being hit in the mouth is a possibility, you can have a specially designed mouthguard made to accommodate your braces.

9 Retainer Care If you don’t have the full, permanent braces but have an orthodontic retainer instead you should brush the retainer each time you brush your teeth. It’s also wise to soak your retainer in a brand name denture cleaner at least once per week. Make sure you rinse the retainer off thoroughly with clean water before you put it back into your mouth.

10 Troubleshooting If you encounter problems with your braces it’s always a good idea to call your orthodontist for repairs. However, if it’s the weekend or you have to wait to see him, here are some troubleshooting tips:  Use a small piece of orthodontic wax to reattach loose brackets.  Use the eraser end of a pencil to move a protruding wire to a different location.  Rinse your mouth with warm salt water if a broken wire cuts he inside of your mouth or cheek.  Save any broken pieces you can’t reattach and bring them to your orthodontist appointment.

11 References retainers WebMD rticles/Cosmetic-Dentistry/Orthodontics/Orthodontic- Care/article/Protecting-Your-Healthy-Smile-while-Wearing- Braces.cvsp

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