APCT5111 Learning Unit 7: Mass Communication for Organisations.


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Presentation transcript:

APCT5111 Learning Unit 7: Mass Communication for Organisations

#1 Define the nature & functions of mass communication - Fielding 2014: What is ‘mass communication’? It is communication to large audience (1), where the audience is heterogenous (1) and the message is reproduced (1) – i.e. the same message is sent to the mass audience (1). Through mediation (1) (e.g. radio, television, magazines, etc. (1)) the message is delivered rapidly (1) and the cost is relatively low to the consumer (1). In mass communication feedback is often limited (1) and delayed (1), while the message is relatively one-way (1). *refer to ‘traditional media’, ‘new media’ and examples The three (3) functions of mass media is to: i.INFORM: _______________________________________________________ ii.PERSUADE: _____________________________________________________ iii.ENTERTAIN: _____________________________________________________

#2 Purpose & importance of PR in organisations - Fielding 2014: Public Relations (PR) refers to building relationships with key stakeholders (1) (external as well as internal (1)) in order to create a positive image of the company (1). PR seeks to influence the attitudes and beliefs of stakeholders concerning an organisation (1); to foster trust (1) and create a sound reputation for the organisation (1). When an organisation has a sound reputation in which the consumers trust, it is in a better position to remain competitive (2). PR Practitioner’s are involved in explaining organisation’s policies (1); dealing with criticism & problems (1); creating a positive attitude (1); keep the company socially aware (1); and reassure the customer of the organisation’s commitment to them (1).

PRP’s use a wide range of media to enable them to execute their function, including: Brochures Company films Advertorials… Advertisements Press releases Letters to newspapers Meetings Exhibitions Conferences Posters

#3 Purpose & importance of Advertising in organisations - Fielding 2014: Advertising is used to inform (1) – and then persuade & remind (1) – consumers to buy or use their products or services (1). The main purpose of an advertisement is to attract attention (1). Advertising is the act of communicating a message (1) through carefully chosen (1), paid for (1) media to a targeted public (1). The messages communicated to the target audience requires a great deal of consideration, including research and expertise (2). Advertising agencies often use the AIDA-formula to achieve the intended results (1). * AIDA-formula will be discussed shortly. Advertising can be used to generate awareness of a product/ service (1); inform the target audience (1); overcome misconceptions (1); support the sales force (1), generate leads (1); position the product (1); build credibility (1); build an image (1); reassure and create trust (1); and remind consumers (1).

Problems advertising cannot solve: Sell a poorly designed product/ service. Poor quality Reach everybody (TIME, FREQUENCY, REACH and IMPACT: Tug-of-war for budget) Always lead to immediate increase in sales Fight off better competition in the market Solve any marketing problem Save a dying/ irrelevant brand Source:

#4 Advertising techniques (including the AIDA- formula) - Fielding 2014: *

By referring to the AIDA-formula, consider the following advertisement from ‘Old Khaki’ and answer the questions:

1.Does the advertisement draw your attention? 2.How does it make you interested in what is being sold? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3.Does it create a desire to buy the product? If yes, how? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 4.What action does the advertisement ask you to take? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 5.Based on your answers above, did the advert follow the AIDA-formula? YESNO YESNO YESNO

#5 Main features of new media - Fielding 2014: New media refers to a shift in our societal culture where we are replacing traditional forms of media with computer-mediated ways of producing, packaging and distributing messages (2). It is the convergence of digital communication technologies (1). New media has compressed time and space (1) – i.e. you can access anyone, anywhere at any time (1). Some of the top innovations under new media include cellphones (1), (1), Liquid crystal display (LCD) (1), media file compression (jpeg, mpeg, MP3) (1), etc. New media has made it possible for people to provide feedback (1) immediately and to improve how they shape their own media experience (1). Three (3) main features of new media are: i.Hypertextuality (1) ii.Multimediality (1) iii.Interactivity (1)

#6 Types of new media & their role in an organisation’s PR and Advertising activities - Fielding 2014: New media type Role in an organisation’s PR and Advertising 1.Internet To keep people connected & informed; infrastructure. 2. World Wide Web (WWW) A standard procedure for people to access all the hyperlinked documents stored on the internet. 3. Search engines Assist people in finding information or conduct research. 4. Instant messaging (IM) A text-based conversation useful when people need to be in contact with one another all the time (who are not in the same physical space). 5. Short Messaging Service (SMS) Allows messengers to send short messages of text from cellphone to cellphone. 6. Social media To connect with target audiences.

Examples of social media & other web-based platforms Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Flickr YouTube BlogsWiki’sPodcastSmartphones

new media #7 Advantages & Disadvantages + Implications of new media - Fielding 2014: * ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES  i. Direct contact with your target audience. i. Negative engagement going viral ii. Cost-effectiveii. Time consuming to manage iii. Easily accessible…iii. Leaked information iv. Information available all the timeiv. v.v. Volume of social media usage puts pressure on the organisation’s bandwidth vi. When used correctly, new media can build a good corporate image vi. Overuse of social media can have a negative effect on productivity vii. When used incorrectly, new media can create a negative corporate image

Seven (7) implications of mass communication on organisationsSeven (7) implications of mass communication on organisations: 1)Public is aware of all company activities 2)Decisions need to be made in consultation with affected parties 3)Potential to reach large audiences instantly 4)Audience needs have to be catered for 5)Market research needs to be done to ensure the right audiences are reached 6)Mass media can help make or break an organisation 7)Just because an organisation uses mass communication does not necessarily mean that it is effective