VXD mechanics issues S.Tanaka. Remaining issues (short term) SVD ladder mount table –Mount arm design(KEK+SVD) –Origami cooling pipe assembly procedure.


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Presentation transcript:

VXD mechanics issues S.Tanaka

Remaining issues (short term) SVD ladder mount table –Mount arm design(KEK+SVD) –Origami cooling pipe assembly procedure (also fixing brackets) –Alignment (Shuji) –SVD structure division tool(Koike) BP+PXD assembly table design and production(Tscharlie+Kohriki,Koike) Beam pipe alignment procedure validation Installation procedure decision and tools preparation (We have two designs) Validation of VXD installation with service work (meeting at MPI) CO2 Cooling by Open system(HEPHY) and humidity control in Tsukuba B1 –(no budget is assigned now) BEAST VXD setup (Tscharlie, C.Marinas, S.Tanaka) –PXD, SVD, PICEL, radiation monitors, BGO for LM, environmental monitors in the VXD volume –Structure (without brackets) will be prepared in June B2GM by KEK Location of Hum. And Temp. sensors in VXD (need final design) Installing Dew point recorder in the warm dry volume or not?

Remaining issues (short term) Hardwired interlock system design for safety VXD operation FOS design (where it should touch to 3rd layer SVD hybrid) Cooling chiller preparation and space allocation (for dry air or Nitrogen) PXD kapton flex mass-production (MPI electronics group, LMU) (need final design and budget taken by LMU) RVC connection with QCS head area (should be discussed in B2GM) Certification of IBBelle installation by KEK administrator (Tsuboyama) Invitation Kimura and Kawai to DESY for reviewing the system around this April~May? VXD Thermal mockup test -> defining cooling concept(DESY)

VXD parts3D design Target day of Final design 2D design Production Delivering date CFRP supportKoike->KarstenDec. 2013KoikeShujiMar CFRP coverKoikeDec. 2013KoikeShujiMar Heavy metal (main)Koike+KohrikiDec. 2013KohrikiShuji Heavy metal (flange)TscharlieDec. 2013KohrikiShuji Beam pipeKohriki+Kanazawadone OngoingJune PXD PPTscharlieAlmost done PXD mount blockKoike+Kohriki Summer 2014 (for BEAST) PXD (detector)TscharlieDone PXD (service)Tscharlie BP+PXD tableKoike+KohrikiDec PXD mount armTscharlieDec Sub parts preparation status

VXD parts3D design Target day of Final design 2D design Production Delivering date SVD ladder mount table Koike+SVD Ongoing Mar SVD ladder mount procedure Koike Christian.I Summer 2014 SVD ladder alignment Task force Need more discussion Mar. 2014?? SVD cooling pipe mount arm Karsten (Studying by thermal mockup) Summer 2014 SVD ladder designFlorian still need modification of SLM Florian Endrings Karsten+ Florian Karsten Welcon or DESY End-flange Koike+Har a Jan. 2014KoikeShujiMar CFRP support+Endring gluing jig Karsten (koike) (first design in Nov. 2013) SVD division toolKoikeSummer 2014 SVD rev.1.0 design has provided How to validate the sliding mechanism? (Florian fighting with this issue) How to validate that the Kokeshi-pins can work and can avoid deformation on screwing? OK!!

SVD ladder mount table The almost of parts will be delivered before this April. The functionality tests will start accordingly

BP+PXD assembly table idea Assembly work will start from Aug Need to keep discussion with PXD group PXD mount tool will provided by MPI group

Endring and End-flange gluing tool Under discussion by conceptual design DESY group will also try another gluing procedure

RVC connection with QCS structure have to be finalized soon (In particular of backward QCS)

B2GM in June will be good chance to validate some assembly steps with real parts(almost mechanics sub-parts will be prepared) (for physics setup and also BEAST setup) Slide by C.K in last VXD meeting

VXD mechanics activity at KEK in this year Beam pipe –Second beam pipe production will start from this April SVD part: April~June: SVD structure assembly without end-ring on the ladder mount table June~July: End-ring gluing test by mock-up and first try of ladder mount (Endring mockup will be prepared for gluing test) July~Oct: Parts + tool modification(i.e. gluing jig modification if required) Nov~ Ladder mount test (Above steps means SVD end-rings should be delivered before Oct. at latest) PXD + BP + Heavy metal part 0, BEAST beam pipe will be delivered around June 1, Beam pipe alignment procedure check 2, Mount test with PXD mock-up as B2GM satellite meeting?) 3, Finalizing 2D design of heavy metal parts for physics run 4, Finalizing design of VXD assembly table (around summer) (also BEAST brackets design should be discussed) 5, All of VXD assembly parts should be prepared before end of this year 6, (~2015 March) VXD assembly table system check 7, (2015 summer) VXD system assembly

beam pipe production Situation: –The beam pipe (for physics run) production will start from this April. –IP chamber (straight section) and crotched part will produced in parallel. –This pipe should be prepared before VXD assembly scheduled from 2015 summer. –BEAST phase II will start from 2016 Feb. which is first chance to take cross-check of SR hits with simulation. –Gold sputtering takes a few days and connection of IP chamber with crotch part will takes around one month (needing validation by company) Question to VXD community (not requiring quick answer, but we should decide within next half year) –When gold thickness will be decided? (10um for BEAST) –Should we wait to connect IP chamber with crotch part until seeing real SR situation? –If yes, CR(Cosmic Ray test) and VXD assembly schedule will be affected.

IR Service space and service work VXD service meeting at MPI(25 th 2014)

Service task Space of cables and pipes should be fit to allocated area (including some margin) Need to make more clear and detailed service assembly steps: – CO2 system installation (welding of Hall)+ operation test – Service installation from Docks to E-racks or CO2 manifold – Installation tool setup – VXD installation – VXD fine positioning by brackets or tools (need validation by Mockup) – Cabling and piping inside of CDC (Testing some part of area is enough, But we should be careful around bending area and cable length margin ) – Cable and pipe connection at Dock area (also Dock installation) – QCS installation (AIM case) – RVC connection (AIM case) – Adapting wall to make warm dry volume between CDC and QCS

AIM and RVC In order to make decision of installation procedure, the detail installation step should be verified by VXD community. –VXD connection with CDC structure with fine controllable positioning. –Cabling and piping procedure (with repeatability) –Dismantle procedure of VXD (with repeatability) –Some additional requirements for CDC/QCS structure like screws for brackets

Belle SVD2 case

Narrowest space between QCS and CDC

Service space between QCS and CDC Measured value Target value: –SVD cables 30(width)*22.5(height)mm for 15 twist pair sets –PXD cable : 9.4mmt Measured value: –SVD cables 30(width)*17.5(height)mm for 15 and 30*23mm for 20 sets –PXD cable : ~9.4mmt 7mmt free space between QCS and CDC on this cable allocation The realistic space is also related with service work procedure, so we are keep discussing about this subject. The thickness of VXD service have to be less than 24.5mm

PXD+SVD service Latest service space estimation with support structure around VXD is ongoing Can we easily access to VXD structure for fixing structure at each end of VXD frame? (Too many cables and also some cables are quite rigid.) How to fix correct position of X-Y at FWD side with cable stress? Stress by cable bending

Also space of cable bending should be considered

PXD and SVD docks SVD and PXD dock space requirements will be taken in CDC design. PXD dock SVD dock

CO2 pipe space We should validate this pipe bending space by mockup Also cables space Decided

Additional brackets For services?

Space request by cooling pipes

How to fit to the space for extra cable and pipes? Also how much extra length is expected for each service?

CO2 Piping between Barrel and endcap Cabling and CO2 piping test by Mockup (Between Barrel and Endcap structure) It seems to be very hard work of piping space around bending area

I want to encourage to keep this service test activities at MPI until finalizing concrete procedure

SVD production is overlapped with this test. How to feed back this result?

Ladder production is key point on SVD system


CFRP composition CFRP product is quite rigid on the case that the bending stress direction is perpendicular to fiber direction. On other case, fiber dose not work for stiffness Then CFRP products are composed by pileup of fiber several sheets Outer cover 1mmt 4 layers Support cone 3mmt 12 layers mean z direction, 90 means perpendicular to z direction

VXD mechanics sub-parts preparation Producing beam pipes: – ~2014 Mar. Beam pipe for BEAST (2014 Jul. on global schedule) – ~2015 Mar. Beam pipe for physics run (2015 Jul. on global schedule) Heavy metal shields – ~2014 Mar. Shields for BEAST – ~2015 Mar. Shields for physics run End-flange, CFRP support cone, CFRP outer cover – ~2014 Mar. one of support parts (for physics run) – ~2014 summer second set production (for back-up, BEAST) – Production takes 2 month Rough estimation of production period and cost have already done for each products Milestone: 2014 Autumn SVD ladder mount test start (2015 Jan. start) 2015 Summer VXD assembly 2016 Feb. BEAST (Belle II w/o VXD) Two sets of Beam pipes, heavy metal shields and CFRP supports Schedule tight