Shakespearean Tragedy Will only use one Chorus (narrator) or will not have one at all. Eased intensity of tragic action by inserting brief scenes of comic relief after serious scenes
Characteristics of a Tragic Hero Main character/tragic hero comes to an unhappy or miserable end. Tragic hero is usually an important person in society (king or queen) Tragic hero exhibits extraordinary abilities, but also a tragic flaw, such as a fatal error in judgment or weakness of character, that leads to his downfall.
Characteristics of a Tragic Hero May have an outside source that contributes to his downfall – the Antagonist. A series of casually related events lead to the catastrophe, or tragic resolution, which results in the death of the hero and may include deaths of others as well.
Characteristics of a Tragic Hero Tragic hero usually recognizes his flaw by the end and garners the audience’s sympathy.