What do We See? Perceiving images
How do we understand what we see? What do We See? Perceiving images
Does this also mean that what you see, is always what you actually see? What do We See? Perceiving images
What is the front side of the cube? What do We See? Perceiving images
You can actually influence your interpretation, the way in which you see things: the diagonal lines in the cube suggest a depth of field in the image. However the cube is in fact a flat, two- dimensional drawing. What do We See? Perceiving images
What do you see here? What do We See? Perceiving images
And here? What do We See? Perceiving images
What do you see here? What do We See? Perceiving images
And now? What do We See? Perceiving images
What’s happening here? What do We See? Perceiving images
And here? What do We See? Perceiving images
What do you see here? What do We See? Perceiving images
How many legs does the elephant have? What do We See? Perceiving images
And what’s happening here? What do We See? Perceiving images
So what can you say about the images we just looked at? What do We See? Perceiving images
To sum up: 1.People may look at the same image but see different things 1. What we perceive is not always what we see; 1. Aspects of an image catch the attention of the viewer in a certain way (for example: when objects are placed together, we think they belong together - like the lines becoming pillars) What do We See? Perceiving images