Konza Prairie: Fire-Grazing-Climate PLANTS Representative plant taxa, species composition; long-term censuses (fire-grazing) and experiments Biomass (fire-grazing) Patch burn experiment (cattle as dominant grazer) – plant, consumer responses Bud bank dynamics (fire-grazing-climate) Consequences of genetic diversity Woody encroachment & complex state dynamics Long-term experiments – RaMPS, Irrigation, Below-ground plots RESTORATION EXPERIMENTS Chronosequence – community assembly ARTHROPODS Long-term grasshopper censuses Trophic interactions (plant-herbivore-predator) Arthropod removal & plant community shifts BIRDS Long-term censuses; fire-grazing-climate Demographic studies Within site dispersal (fire-grazing) SMALL MAMMALS Long-term censuses (fire-grazing-climate) Patch-burn dynamics FISH Long-term dynamics in a flashy stream Fish effects on stream function – exptl. streams MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES Species/ functional group turnover Microbial biomass BISON Long-term treatment Dynamics of fire-grazing interactions Long-Term Responses in Time and /or Space
Representative Konza Themes: Trophic Levels Temporal & Spatial Dynamics Climate-driven responses Variable temporal dynamics with biotic regulation among multiple trophic levels Seasonal demography of bird s, including migration Fire-Grazing Interactions Over time Spatially shifting mosaic of habitat availability from fire-grazing interactions Habitat structure and spatial heterogeneity hypothesis Variable community network structure Within-season breeding dispersal by grassland birds Patch-burn experiments Context-Dependent Trophic Interactions Outcomes vary in space and time – abiotic conditions and species traits Threshold Dynamics and State Shifts Woody plant expansion dynamics Streams: Functional Responses & Consumer Feedbacks to Spatially Variable Resources Fish grazing regulates nutrient cycling Responses of macroinvertebrates to allochthonous/ autochthonous inputs Responses to Environmental Change Climate manipulation experiments Time lags & community change Hierarchical response model Microbial communities & biomass
Temporal dynamics Long term disturbance: watershed-level fire-grazing experiment Bird stuff Small mammal stuff? Cicada emergence Plant-Pollinator An Overarching Hypothesis: Grazers selectively use recently burned patches, in turn determining fuel availability for next burn – creates a heterogeneous, shifting-mosaic of habitat suitability at landscape and local levels, promoting diversity Arthropod Removal Bison Habitat Use & Fire Arthropod Diversity & Fire-Grazing Community Networks Temporal Dynamics Demographic Responses Also birds, small mammals, fish Bud banks resist grazing & drought